projectdiscovery / cvemap

Navigate the CVE jungle with ease.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Invalid response from server

cf439035 opened this issue · comments

C:\Users\User1>cvemap -auth

   ______   _____  ____ ___  ____  ____
  / ___/ | / / _ \/ __ \__ \/ __ \/ __ \
 / /__ | |/ /  __/ / / / / / /_/ / /_/ /
 \___/ |___/\___/_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/ .___/


[INF] Get your free api key by signing up at
[*] Enter PDCP API Key (exit to abort):
[ERR] Invalid API key 'd62*********************************' got error: invalid response from server got {"ai_status":true,"cloud_scans":false,"early_template":false,"email":"","message":"Successfully retrieved user profile","name":"","static_scan":false}
[FTL] please recheck or recreate your API key and retry

same error for me too, any help on this is much appreciated. Great project btw

[INF] Get your free api key by signing up at
[] Enter PDCP API Key (exit to abort):
[ERR] Invalid API key 'c29
********************************' got error: invalid response from server got {"ai_status":true,"cloud_scans":false,"early_template":false,"email":"@","message":"Successfully retrieved user profile","name":"","static_scan":false}
[FTL] please recheck or recreate your API key and retry

@cf439035 @danilansible Can you test cvemap -auth from this pr:#100?

Let me know if it solves the issue.

Hi @RamanaReddy0M, I still face the issue after pulling new update

@kiven7299 Have you done these steps after taking pull?

$ git pull origin main
$ cd cmd/cvemap
$ go build
$ ./cvemap -auth