projectcalico / canal

Policy based networking for cloud native applications

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Canal on OpenShift

prasenforu opened this issue · comments

I found some ppt which tells that I can use canal on OpenShift.

Can you please share instructions for canal deployment on OpenShift.

@prasenforu Are you referring to the slides from the OpenShift Commons briefing from March? If so, the slide there refers to Canal with Flannel+Kubernetes.

Adapting to the Flannel as deployed with openshift would likely require some additional steps, but I reckon it might be possible. Something along the lines of:

  1. Deploying openshift with flannel (say, using openshift-ansible)
  2. Deploying canal manifest
  3. Creating additional policy to allow various openshift artifacts (router, registry, etc.) in admin namespace to function.
    @ozdanborne Any thoughts?

Can not recall right now but I can remember in that slide mr. Bean picture was there. :)

It is technically possible to deploy canal in openshift, but you will have to do so manually. Unfortunately we do not have any other information available at this time.

I am ready to do manually, can you provide some steps please.