projectcalico / canal

Policy based networking for cloud native applications

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kops update cluster networking to canal

mrefaatMagalix opened this issue · comments

I had a cluster running flannel and kubernetes 1.9.0. i edited the cluster using kops edit cluster and changed the networking to canal. After running kops update cluster i'm not able to access the api or ssh to the nodes they are giving me timeout

I suppose this would be the right approach to change from flannel to canal.

@mrefaatMagalix currently, upgrading a live system from a pure flannel deployment to a canal deployment isn't supported without downtime (i.e. recreating all of the pods in the cluster, or re-creating your the entire cluster).

It might be related, but the inability to access the api or ssh to the nodes sounds more like a kops issue than a problem with canal to me.

@caseydavenport also the pods inter-connectivity is not happening after recreating the pods

Have you verified that the Canal configuration will work with your previous setup? One thing in particular from taking a peek at the kops manifests used, the flannel one allows setting the networking backend but the canal one does not and is set to vxlan. Do you know if vxlan traffic is allowed?

@tmjd the previous setup was flannel/vxlan
i did restart the nodes and things started to work. The nodes were missing the routing table which have been updated after restart.

@mrefaatMagalix Are things working now or is there still an issue? From your last message it is not clear.

@mrefaatMagalix it's been some time since we heard from you, so i'm going to close this issue.

As @caseydavenport pointed out, changing a live cluster from Flannel to Canal is not currently supported.