gustavosantossr / gustavosantossr

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Oi, eu sou o Gustavo! 👋

  • 🖥️ Cloud Data Engineer with years of experience in various industries, certified by leading technology companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Astronomer. Speaker at technology events in Brazil and abroad. Leads a Google partner community in Brazil and participates in programs such as Google Developer Groups, Google Cloud AI Trusted Tester, and GitHub Developer. Polyglot with experience in innovative data platform projects in Latin America. Acts as a technology and innovation specialist, without an employment relationship, in Brazilian public agencies, promoting discussions about teamwork, advising on problem-solving, and fostering a culture of transformation, technological advancement, and innovation in the workplace and teams. Will be curator and coordinator of the Cloud track at The Developer's Conference in São Paulo, Generative AI in Brasília, curator of the Cloud stage at Campus Party São Paulo, and speaker at the largest data event in South America, Big Data Brazil Experience.

🚀 Skills

📉 Certifications

💻 Social Media

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