progund / adhd

Android Development Helper Doctor - a tool to work with files on your android device

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ADHD - Android Development Helper Doctor

ADHD can retrieve database files, serialized files and 'normal' file from an Android device (with root access), The retrieved files can be converted to txt and/or html format.

Legal stuff

  • (c) Henrik Sandklef, Rikard Fröberg 2017

  • Licensed under GPLv3

  • This software comes with no warranty.

We applogise of we offend anyone with the name. We think it's funny.


Extract SQLite from an app on a device

If your app has one or many databases adhd can retrieve these files and present the data in txt or html format you need SQLite.

Extract cached Objects (using ObjectCache) from an app on a device

If your Android app uses ObjectCache to cache data you can use adhd to retrieve the cache objects in a serialized file (Java Serialization) and print them out using the object's toString() method.

Extract files from an app on a device

If your app stores files in the app's private directory adhd can retrieve these for local inspection.

Start a shell on a device

If you feel starting a shell on the device adhd helps you with this.

Required tools


If you want to retrieve and convert (de-serialize) serialized files created on the device using ObjectCache you, of course, need ObjectCache.

Point out ObjectCache yourself

With the option -ocd dir you can specify the location of the ObjectCache jar file. Let's say you have ObjectCache installed in the directory ${HOME}/libs/object-cache/object-cache-01.jar then you should start adhd like this:

  $0 -ocd ${HOME}/libs/object-cache/object-cache-01.jar .... etc

Let adhd set up ObjectCache

ADHD can download serialized files from the Android devices. We have only tested copying serialized files as created by ObjectCache which is also developed by your not so very humble idiots at

ADHD will download ObjectCache to the current directory if you run like this: --install-object-cache


You need to have SQLite (version 3) installed. Ok, you can download the SQLite database files from your Android device without SQLite. No problems. But if you either want them converted into txt and html or open them up using SQLite we suggest you install and make sure sqlite3 can be found using your PATH variable.

ADB - Android Debugger Bridge

We rely totally on adb. It come with Android Studio so you need to know where to find the program.


jq is used to check for newer versions of ObjectCache. If you're not intending to use adhd to install or update ObjectCache (using the option -io you don't need to isntall jq - however we recommend jq for every day use.

Misc other softwares

  • bash - check out our wiki pages for more information on that. Once you've followed the instructions there you have tools such as sed, awk and grep which are needed. If you have no idea what we're talking about, you really (yes, REALLY!) need to check bash and its friends out. We suggest you attend the course: Bash introduction and Bash programming.



Edit the script and make sure:

  • ADB is set to point out the path to your adb program (shipped with Android Studio)

  • Connect a rooted device or an emulated device where you have su rights.

  • Make sure adb can find your device: -ld - make sure your device is listed. If your device is one of many you need to specify which device in the examples below using the option --device dev.

  • Make sure adb can find your app: --la - make sure your app is listed

  • If you want to retrieve and convert serialized files you need to point out the location of the classes that were serialized. Point out these classes with the option -ocd dir (where dir is the directory where your classes are located).

Download database files

Let's assume you want to download database files from

Retrieve and convert database files with the following command: database

You should now have the database itself, a text version of the content of the database and an html version of the content of the database. These are located in the following folder: adhd/apps/

Download serialized files

Let's assume you want to download and convert serialized files from an app called se.juneday.gitrepoviewer

  • Retrieve and convert serialized files -ocd ~/AndroidStudioProject/GitRepoViewer/app/build/intermediates/javac/debug/compileDebugJavaWithJavac/classes/ se.juneday.gitrepoviewer serialized

You should now have the serialized file itself and a text version of it. These are located in the following folder: adhd/apps/se.juneday.gitrepoviewer/


Usage (from the script itself):

NAME - android development helper doctor


      List android devices

      List installed application (with database files and/or ObjectCache files)

      Download and extract information from files on an Android Device:
      * databases from an emulated device (or rooted physical device)
      * serialized files (using Juneday's ObjectCache)
      * files in your app's folder
      Manage (and visualise) downloaded files:
      * databases are presented in HTML and TXT
      * serialized are presented in TXT
LOG logs to file $LOG_FILE

        restarts the adb daemon and exits
        lists running devices
   --list-available-devices, -lad
        lists available devices
        specifies what device to manage
        (if only one device is available this will be chosen)
        lists only apps (on the device) with a database
        list only apps (on the device) with serialized files
        list only apps (on the device) with serialized files AND databases
        lists all apps (on the device)
   --adb PROG
        sets adb program to PROG
        prints this help text
   --verify-software, -vs
        verify required softwares
   --objectcache-dir, -ocd
        directory where the ObjectCache class are located
   --classpath, -cp
        CLASSPATH for Java programs
   --debug, -d
        verbose printing enabled

   the program (on the Android Device) to manage

   serialized - downloads files as serialized by ObjectCache and generates TXT files*
   database - downloads database files and creates TXT file and HTML pages from each
   files - all your app's files (as is)
   all - all of the above

   Set any of the below environment variables to alter the settings:
   - the Android app to manage. Default value: No default
    - database, serialized, ... Default value: No default
    - Android debugger bridge tool. Default: ~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb
    - Android device to manage. Default value: No default
    - Directory where the ObjectCache class are located
    - CLASSPATH for java programs

    0 - success
    2 - failure
    3 - adb could not be found
    4 - slite and/or ObjectCache could not be found
   10 - no mode set
   11 - no app set

      lists all apps with one (or more) databases available -ld 
      lists all devices available database
      downloads all databases associated with and creates TXT/HTML  se.juneday.systemet serialized
      downloads all files with serialized data for 
      se.juneday.systemet and creates TXT  --device emulator-5554 se.juneday.systemet serialized
      downloads all files with serialized data for 
      se.juneday.systemet on devce emulator-5554 and creates TXT  -ocd ~/opt/ObjectCache --device emulator-5554 \
   se.juneday.systemet serialized
      as above but using ObjectCache as found in
      dir ~/opt/ObjectCache  -ocd ~/opt/ObjectCache  \
   -cp ~/AndroidStudioProjects/BlaBlaBla --device emulator-5554 \
   se.juneday.systemet serialized
      as above but setting CLASSPATH to 
      ~/AndroidStudioProjects/BlaBlaBla to find your own classes


Android Development Helper Doctor - a tool to work with files on your android device

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 100.0%