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[Exploration]: Percentage rollout with criteria

mfrachet opened this issue · comments

This exploration is about putting in place a percentage base rollout with criteria.

What exists today

When a user requests Progressively, we assign them a unique identifier (generated with nanoid).

Each user is guaranteed to have the same consistent ID on subsequent requests because the generated nanoid is stored in cookies.

When a user requests with a previously generated ID to access a specific feature, we create a string that corresponds to the user ID concatenated with the feature ID. Something like

const concatenationOfUserIdAndFeatureId = userId + "-" + featureId

We can convert this string into a number using the murmur hash 3 algorithm which provides a 32-bit number. We know that murmur hash is well distributed and is good at pseudo-randomness.

Now, we have a number where the maximum value is the maximum 32-bit number. We can divide that number by something we can work with, like a number between 0 and 100.

const concatenationOfUserIdAndFeatureId = userId + "-" + featureId
const hashed = mumurhash3(concatenationOfUserIdAndFeatureId);
const ratio = hashed / MAX_INT_32;
const percentage = ratio * 100;

What we can do now, from the Progressively standpoint, is to say: “hey, I want to roll out the feature X to 20% of my audience”. With the previously computed percentage for a user/feature couple, it’s now possible to make the following comparison:

// the computation above is hidden for clarity
const percentage = ratio * 100;
const rolloutPercentageForAudience = 20 // meaning 20%

if (percentage <= rolloutPercentageForAudience) {
  // rollout the feature to the user

What problem do we have

In Progressively, it should be possible to rollout features to a percentage of the audience with criteria. For instance, it should be possible to roll out to people with an email containing “” etc.

But it should also be possible to rollout features to 20% of the people with an email containing “”

Since we don’t store users (and we don’t have a base to compare with), is it mathematically possible, to use the same technic we use with murmur hash to make it happen?

As a temporary solution, we'll admit that people matching criteria will be part of the rollout, even if they are not in the percentage range