ProgramSolutions / IntegrationTestForSignalR

Tutorial on how to write integration test for SignalR hub. Client is Blazor

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Tutorial on how to write integration test for SignalR hub. Client is Blazor


  1. Complete this tutorial -

Before going to next step I recommend you place literals related to signalr to constants in my case
I created SignalRConstants class with two constants. First one is SendMessageHandlerName and second one is

  1. Add test project. In my case I added xUnit test project
  2. Add link to your server project. In my case I add link to the BlazorSignalR.Server
  3. Add this list of NuGet packages:
  • Moq
  • FluentAssertion
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client
  1. Add test class with name - ChatHubTest

IMPORTANT NOTE: All next code changes will take place in one class, in ChatHubTest class

  1. Derive class from IClassFixture<WebApplicationFactory<Program>> so your class will look like this:
public class ChatHubTests : IClassFixture<WebApplicationFactory<Program>>

Program class is the entry point of my BlazorSignalR.Server project

By implementing IClassFixture<T> interface you create one context of T for whole tests in the current class
more you can read here -

WebApplicationFactory<TProgram> is the class that create the system that will be under the test, where
TProgram is the class that contains the startup logic of your application. There is a big reason why you should you use it, please read this article about why you should consider to use this class if you do integration test on .NET 7

  1. Add constructor to your class. Constructor should accept WebApplicationFactory<Program> factory so your code will be like this:
public class ChatHubTests : IClassFixture<WebApplicationFactory<Program>>
    private readonly WebApplicationFactory<Program> _factory;

    public ChatHubTests(WebApplicationFactory<Program> factory)
        _factory = factory;
  1. Add StartConnectionAsync method that create connection with SignlaR hub - ChatHub. Result:
private async Task<HubConnection> StartConnectionAsync(HttpMessageHandler handler, string hubName)
    var hubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
        .WithUrl($"ws://localhost/{hubName}", o =>
            o.HttpMessageHandlerFactory = _ => handler;

    await hubConnection.StartAsync();

    return hubConnection;

You can see that url contains "ws" instead of "https". This is important since signlar prefered way of communication is web socket

  1. Add the test:
public async Task ShouldNotifySubscribers()
    _factory.CreateClient(); // You need to call this procedure in order to create server
    var mockHandler = new Mock<Action<string, string>>(); 

    // Arrange

    var connection = await StartConnectionAsync(_factory.Server.CreateHandler(), SignalRConstants.ChatHubRouteName);
    //Register handler with some name, message will be sent from server to the handler with this name
    connection.On(SignalRConstants.SendMessageHandlerName, mockHandler.Object);

    var sourceUserName = "super_user";
    var sourceMessage = "Hello World!!";

    // Act
    // Send message to the ChatHub(to the server), to the SendMessage method(method with such name exist in ChatHub)
    await connection.InvokeAsync(nameof(ChatHub.SendMessage), sourceUserName, sourceMessage);

    // Assert
    // Make sure that handler was called once and that handler have recieved correct input values
    mockHandler.Verify(x => x(It.Is<string>(userName => userName == sourceUserName), It.Is<string>(message => message == sourceMessage)), Times.Once);


Tutorial on how to write integration test for SignalR hub. Client is Blazor


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