progapandist / evil_chat

Code for "Evil Front: Modern Front-end in Rails" 3-part tutorial:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SetCallback function not called

Benjoutel opened this issue · comments

Thanks for your awesome and rewarding article !

Although everything is really clear in the article, I'm facing a problem with inserting a new message after broadcasting. The message is sent to the db, ActionCable's broadcasting, Chat channel is transmitting and... no message appears automatically in the chat view.

SetCallBack function seems not to be called...

I checked all the imports/exports statements, all the functions, all the comas, etc.
Did I forget something ? I think it's a little mistake, or a big one, so big that I can't see it ! My repo :

Real thanks from a LeWagon graduated beginner ;)


It is a bit hard to see what is wrong with the code without pulling and running your repo, which, unfortunately, I don't have time for right now. Don't know if it helps, but please make sure that there are no errors in webpack-dev-server output (all your packs compile successfully) and no errors in the browser's JS console. If there are any — that can guide you further! Good luck!

Thanks for answering Andy ! I will check it again after a few days break on this project.