profdc9 / RFBitBanger

A QRP digital transceiver created from readily available parts for off-the-grid maintenance

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Can't get FT8 working correctly.

larryl719 opened this issue · comments


First, I'd like to say Thanks! This is a very interesting radio and was easy to assemble and play with. I have built a full set of band boards and am starting to put it to use.

Maybe I'm missing something (that would be great!) but when I'm trying to get it to operate on FT8, I see a couple of things happening:

  1. I need to use EXT mode to control the transceiver and it says it is the way to do it.
    When I enter EXT mode and the words "EXT Mode" appear and then go away, I can hear the frequency of the receiver shifting. My measurements seem to indicate a move of about 700Hz. If I keep the radio tuned to 14.074, my audio output ends up 700Hz too high, and in many cases, it's above the audio passband of the signal so that no one can hear me. Tuning lower might be the answer but then there appears to be another issue. (below)
    When exiting EXT mode, the frequency returns to the original value. I only really figured this out by using another radio to monitor my transmission and see that my signal was above the audio passband used for FT8.

  2. When transmitting FT8 signals in EXT mode (and possibly shifting the frequency), I notice that it sounds "choppy" with some additional "artifacts" on the signal; normal FT8 signals tend to sound very smooth. When I use "Tune" mode in WSJTX, the signal is very clean and sounds normal. (My X6100 shows the audio spectrum on the display and there are "lobes" at lower amplitude under the main signal. Also, the signal sounds very different on the X6100 than other FT8 signals.)

  3. In the manual there are instructions (In the EXT mode description) to tune to the upper sideband (14.074) when doing FT8. This is the normal way of doing FT8, so that's not unusual. But, in looking at the code (and watching what happens), when EXT mode has been activated the mode is changed to CW and stays there. While I don't think that is an issue exactly, I was wondering why change it and whether it might be related to the above problems in some way.

  4. I'm sorry to say I haven't tested out the other modes like SCAMP or RTTY mostly because 10m is really open so far this year and I'm having a great time making QRP contacts on 10m all over the world. That has also meant that I've spent a lot of time trying to get a bit more power out at 10m (with "normal" builds of the boards I'm getting about 0.5W out). IF everything else was working well, I'd enjoy the challenge of the QRP contacts at 0.5W, but so far the issues above are keeping me from making contacts.

If there is anything I can do or try, please let me know, I'd be happy to help. I haven't tried reprogramming the radio yet because I wanted to spend more time with the original design before I mess with it in any way.

Thanks again!
Larry, WB6JSO (wb6jso@hotmailDOTcom)

I've gotten some pictures of the results...

With the RFBitBanger in EXT mode, tuned to 14074 and using WSJTX to "TUNE" at 2000 Hz (and later at 1000Hz), the signal received on the X6100 showed a strong signal at about 2700 Hz and at 1700 Hz. BTW, the radio was in CW mode when I put it into EXT mode (I figured using SSB didn't make sense since it would change anyway.). I'm wondering if the 667Hz is being added twice. (or on top of the actual frequency)

I hope this helps,

Thanks Dan,

I am running the code delivered with this first production run. (1.0?) I will take a look at the newer code and try that. I am one of "those people" who often load the latest right away and I've had my share of bricking things, so I decided to hold back this time and test the actual release first. (I have been itching to try reloading it... :-)

I did calibrate it once on WWV but wasn't confident that it had all come out right, so I backed it out. My first attempt did give me something like 300Hz and, lacking confidence ( I get a fair amount of noise on WWV at times), I figured I'd see how things worked otherwise first. I'll go redo that and try the later code. I'll let you know what I find out.

The fact that it's working great for you makes me feel much more confident, thanks!



Success! The issue was the calibration. I redid it with WWV a couple of times but did have a lot of noise. I finally realized that I could set the frequency to match what I wanted to see on 14.074 FT8 and then calibrate that. I'm now within Hertz of where it needs to be. My XTAL calibration is 25001602 Hz, so it was off a bunch.

I don't know if it can help anyone else, but what I did was:

  1. Transmit on FT8, see (using my X6100) where it was "landing" in the passband in EXT mode (which does shift the frequency) and WSJTX.
  2. Adjust the frequency (down in this case) by the amount I was off in FRQ menu. (Goes back to CW frequency)
  3. Repeat until I was close when transmitting.
  4. In CFG, calibrate the XTAL to 14.074MHz (where it should have started).
  5. Check it again, repeat if necessary.

I made three contacts on 20m at about 4W and 1 on 10m with 1.5W.

Now I can really play with it.

Thanks so much for your help,