profanum429 / v800_downloader

Tool to download data files from the Polar V800 GPS watch

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Polar OH1 support

mz-pdm opened this issue · comments

I've discovered that v800_downloader can also download files from Polar OH1 on GNU/Linux, with changes made in my fork There is just some confusion in that v800_downloader may not detect the sessions on the first run and it may be necessary to run the downloader for several times before it displays the sessions (this is the same as with Polar M460).

Please note that I don't know what happens once there is no more available space on OH1. Unless OH1 automatically starts rewriting old data, it's necessary to delete it some way. v800_downloader contains some data removal code, but it's not available in the UI and I don't know whether it works.

Thank you so much for your fork! Unfortunately I tried to use your fork with the POlar OH1 without any success. The v800 downloader make connection with the OH1 but it can't see the sessions inside.
What do you mean for "run it several times?"
Thank you so much

Just quit v800 downloader and run it again. You may need to do that a couple of times before the sessions get listed. I have the same problem with M460.

BTW, if you use OH1 for recording, you will need to delete the recorded sessions sooner or later to free space. v800 downloader has code for that and it works, but it's not enabled and there is no UI to it.