procount / pinn

An enhanced Operating System installer for the Raspberry Pi

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Raspberry Pi 5 Support

br6 opened this issue · comments


Will you be adding RPI5 Support?


Yes please.... I am also eager to know if pinn will be updated to support RPi5


Sorry, github has stopped sending me notifications so I missed many messages - I will have to fix that.
Anyway, I have been working on PI5 for several months. Finally I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel. It will still be a little while yet, but it's coming....

Just chasing for an update on Pi5 compatibility. Version 3.8.9 seems to get as far as letting us install OS-es, but when booting into one of them the Pi5 appears to reboot. Any work-around?

Using a micro SD from Samsung (512 Pro Ultimate).

It is essenrial to upgrade your firmware, as detailed in the release post

Many thanks for the quick reply.
I've shared this info with the discussion thread under this YouTube video:

The video is all about trying to get PINN working on a Pi 5.

The readme file in the indicates it's intended for Raspberry Pi 4 specifically.
Is it safe to run it on Pi 5?

Yes. they (RPL) probably forgot to update the readme.
It is essential to get multi-boot working. A small regression when they were getting Power Delivery sorted.

Thanks for adding the comment to Leepsvideo. I tried to add my own comment with a link, but It wasn't very satisfactory.

Got it. I'll give it a try.
Thanks for the quick reply.

Yep, that one works. Successful boot into Ubuntu 23.10.
Hope RPL get around to releasing a fixed firmware.

I don't know their timescale, but it will eventually make it into a future apt-update; apt full-upgrade

It looks like it was fixed in the pieeprom-2023-12-14 release raspberrypi/rpi-eeprom@3f325bd
But the most recent "full release" was rpi-boot-eeprom-recovery-2023-12-06-2712 (and the latest tag was also v2023.12.06-2712 ).

So as you say, hopefully it won't be too long for things to get updated in apt too.

EDIT: rpi-boot-eeprom-recovery-2024-01-05-2712 now includes the relevant fix (and is also in apt).

Has anyone managed to get PINN working on a pi 5 booting from NVMe? I'd like a dual boot 64 and 32 bit Rasp os...


It should be OK if it is connected over USB, but I assume as you mention the PI5 you are referring to an NVME connected to the PCIE connection? It should work, but I would also be interested to hear some feedback to make sure I have the right drivers loaded in the kernel for it. 😉

I have a pineberry hat top that should be coming this weekend, so ill give it a try... am sure you already know if this hat, but here is the link just in case :)
Will give PINN a go ... and report back! Thanks again!

I use NVM connected to Rpi5 via PiHat.
I've installed Ubuntu and Pi OS. Pi boots to busybox but it is not finding the root partition. Ubuntu cannot even unpack rootfs. See attached screenshots.
Without PINN I can boot NVM with either Ubuntu or PiOS without any issues.
Any suggestions for further analysis?

Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 16 38 25 Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 10 15 50

I've been testing the PIMORONI NVME base with PINN.

So far:

  • raspiOS works perfectly
  • lineage20 ATV works perfectly (even the TWRP recovery)
  • ubuntu 23, as poopi reported, stops at boots.

I'm happy to do more testing whenever needed, and I'll continue to play around myself and report here if I find something that's not working properly

Hmmm. It should not be that different from what I'm doing. So let me start messing around with configs ...

Regarding Ubuntu, please download the attached script (You will need to unzip it)
Copy it to the SETTINGS partition ( maybe /dev/nvme0n1p5 ? ) into the /os/ubuntu2310 folder, overwriting the existing file.

Then in PINN, go to the maintenance menu, select (tick the checkbox next to) ubuntu, Click the Fix-up button and choose to "re-run partition_setup script." If that succeeds, then try booting into Ubuntu.

Hello procount

Can you please provide a bit more detail on your last comment?
I have connected my PINN SSD to a NVME reader so I have access to all partitions.

I do not see a SETTING partition and the RECOVERY partition has an empty /os/ folder

I have a lot images installed (and all the Project Spaces for future plans and tests), so it's possible I'm getting confused between folders.
I have attached a screenshot of my partitions.
Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 16 12 38

@ardoviniandrea - Are you viewing this on an Apple device? I am not familiar with those. As you have all the other partitions visible, and you can boot PINN, then the settings partition must be there. Perhaps Apple devices don't show partitions named "SETTINGS" ? I know that many OSes (e.g. Ubuntu) don't show partitions named "RECOVERY".

From the RPi forums, I have discovered that Ubuntu 23.10 seems to have problems with some USB hubs on the Pi5. May be the same issues are happening with NVME, so this partition_setup script may not make any difference.

Anyway, as a workaround, I suggest you copy the script to the RECOVERY partition and boot PINN on that device on your RPi. Press Shift when prompted so that you go into the recovery menu.
From the recovery menu press [CTRL]-[ALT]-F2 to open a terminal and login with root/raspberry.
From here, the settings partition should already be mounted as /settings. so type:

cd /settings/os/ubuntu2310
mv partition_setup.bak
cp /mnt/ .

(Don't miss the dot/period in the last command! Please check the above for spelling/accuracy etc. as I am recounting this from memory!)

Return to PINN by pressing [CTRL]-[ALT]-F1
Go to the maintenance menu.
Tick the box next to Ubuntu to enable the Fixup button.
Select the Fix button
tick the box to re-run the and press OK.
Hopefully it will complete successfully, and then you can try and boot Ubuntu. (Probably won't make any difference but worth a try)

An empty /os folder on RECOVERY is to be expected.


Any suggestions for further analysis?

Could you post copies of /settings/installed_os.json along with copies of cmdline.txt from your Ubuntu boot partition and /etc/fstab/ from your Ubuntu root partition?

Please find attached. Interestingly when I connect the NVMe via USB dongle then Ubuntu boots like a charm... I also checked the configs for Ubuntu when I installed it to NVMe directly and they are identical.

So i got my pineberry hat top, and after MANY attempts, finally managed to get booting from the nvme to stick! I had to re-image the sd card quite a few times... as well as the nvme drive... setting the boot config etc... as the nvme would install raspios just fine... but if i did a system update from the prompt for first login... when rebooting, it would just drop me right into the busybox cmd screen (which i have no clue what to do with btw!!! n00b) ... re-image PINN... bootup from sd card... redo boot config etc.... last night tho, and this morning... i managed to get it working as expected, multiple reboots later... and still good!
So, long story short, at least in my case, do not run the updater when prompted on first boot! reboot a few times first... then do the update via ssh/terminal! Looking forward to the next version of Pinn!!!

PS: Would be awesome if it could support wubuntu or zorin (i know they arent pi compatible... just wish they were :D )

That's good news!
So what is your setup?
Have you got PINN on the sd card that you've used to install Raspios on your nvme?

Thanks man! So, essentially, i have managed to get PINN installed on the nvme (no sd card, or usb anymore :) ) ... then installed raspios onto the nvme as well! much neater. I have always had bad luck with sd cards!!!!
Am still blown away at the speed of this pi5... especially now... bootup takes just a few seconds!

As i am in experimental mode with this setup... if there is anything you want me to test... feel free to use me as a guineapig!!

I don't have any nvme drives, so I appreciate any help in testing them and documenting any special instructions to get an OS working on them.
It would be really good to test all the Pi5 OSes that I have provided to see if any of them don't work or if I need to do some extra work for them.

Sure thing, i will install them all... document each one as i go through them... and report back! Gimme a few days to play as and when i can, i mess about with the pi5 in between work!

Some updates here.

I've tested what procount shared in the previous comment.
The Fix run successfully but as anticipated, didn't solve the issue for Ubuntu that still stops here immediately after the boot.
Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 16 05 25

I did test most of the other OSes and I can report that all of these works correctly when booting from PINN on NVME:

  • RaspOS arm64
  • kde2lee64
  • AOSP14-rpi5 (although I managed to brick it somehow and required to reinstall it)
  • lineage20-rpi5 (with TWRP and successfully installing Gapps)
  • lineage20-rpi5-ATV (with TWRP and successfully installing Gapps)
  • mxlinux
  • LibreELEC_RPi5
  • recalbox5 (boots fine, but I haven't try any games for so far, so I cannot report the full funcionality)
  • ProjectSpace --> I've initially installed all 8 possible, and already used/swapped a few without any issues.

2 notes I want to report, other than Ubuntu not working:

  • HDR, HDR+ and HVEC content in KODI in LineageOS (even ATV) plays with washed out / grey colors, but plays normally in LineageOS.
    I looked around a bit and looks like it could be related to codec issue, but haven't been able to identify more than this
  • PINN boot related, very minor but I am not able to re-order the OSes in the boot menu using the UP and DOWN buttons. Every time I do it and either boot or turn off the RPI, the order comes back to the initial one the next boot.

Happy to keep testing new thing procount, if you have anything in mind

Hah. Glad to see that I'm not the one. I bet that Ubuntu it will work like a charm when you use USB->NVMe dongle.

@ardoviniandrea - Thanks for testing.
On your 2 points:

  • I'm not sure how installing via PINN would affect the codecs. I wonder if you get the same effect if you could attach your NVME via USB, or if you install via PINN on an SD card?
  • You must choose the BOOT option after re-ordering the OSes to save the new order. Is this only happening on NVME or have you experienced it on other drives?

Ok, so i started messing about with the rpi5, pinn & multiple OS'd... i couldnt find any solid detail on running multiple OS's... am sure on my older pi's with pinn, there was an option to set partitions up for multiple os's.... but, for now anyways, i have gone down the route of replacing raspios with ubuntu... giving this a whirl now! If you have any "dunny" guide that outlines how to setup multiple os;s.. with a boot menu or such... would be appreciated! Will report back on ubuntu... :)

@Sulphy77 - sorry, I don't understand your question. One of PINN's main purposes is to allow multiple OSes to be installed to a single drive and provide a boot menu to select the OS you want to run on startup. If you have only installed one OS, then you won't get a boot menu because there is no choice to be made.

To install multiple OSes, you just check all the OSes you want (across the various categories, then press the Install button. PINN will allocate the partition space for you. It shows you in the bottom left corner how much space is required and whether your selections will fit. I advise not to go close to the limit because each OS will then have minimal space itself and no room to store any additional data or apps.

Note that whatever OSes you install together at the beginning, determines the layout of the partitions thereafter. PINN does not subsequently change this layout without doing a full install again. You can backup, restore or replace your OSes provided the OS being restored or replaced matches the previous OS's partition layout. You can use ProjectSpaces to reserve space for future OSes that you may want to install, but these are standard 2 partition layouts and therefore not suitable for OSes like Android or Recalbox that require more than 2 partitions.

You can find the user guide here->

Thanks Procount! Yep, that makes sense... like i may have mentioned... not much of a linux guy!!! :D :D :D ... appreciate your patience and support!

Ubuntu on my rpi5, tried the suggested fix of the file... and no joy. I also get the kernel panic :P

Oh well, it was worth a try.
Ubuntu 23.10 works on the Pi5, on USB, SD card and NVMe
It works with PINN on the pi5 on USB and SD card.
So there must be something odd with the combination of PINN, PI5 and NVMe. 😕

Not sure if this helps but this is the output on the serial port during Ubuntu booting:
RPi: BOOTLOADER release VERSION:30cc5f37 DATE: 2024/01/05 TIME: 15:57:40
BOOTMODE: 0x06 partition 6 build-ts BUILD_TIMESTAMP=1704470260 serial ee821091 boardrev d04170 stc 4591535
AON_RESET: 00000003 PM_RSTS 00001034
usb_pd_init status 3
Boot mode: NVME (06) order f41
PCI1 init
PCI1 reset
PCIe scan 0000c0a9:0000540a
VID 0xc0a9 MN CT1000P3PSSD8
MBR: 0x00002000, 260096 type: 0x0e
MBR: 0x00041800,1953256880 type: 0x05
MBR: 0x00000000, 0 type: 0x00
MBR: 0x00000000, 0 type: 0x00
USB-PD: src-cap PDO object1 0x0a0191f4
Current 5000 mA
Voltage 5000 mV
USB-PD: src-cap PDO object2 0x0002d12c
Current 3000 mA
Voltage 9000 mV
USB-PD: src-cap PDO object3 0x0003c0e1
Current 2250 mA
Voltage 12000 mV
USB-PD: src-cap PDO object4 0x0004b0b4
Current 1800 mA
Voltage 15000 mV
Trying partition: 0
type: 16 lba: 8192 ‘mkfs.fat’ ‘ V ^ ‘ clusters 64887 (4)
rsc 1 fat-sectors 256 root dir cluster 1 sectors 32 entries 512
FAT16 clusters 64887
[nvme] autoboot.txt not found
Select partition rsts 6 C(boot_partition) 0 EEPROM config 0 result 6
Trying partition: 6
EBR: 0x00041800 0x00000800, 65534 0x000107fe,1953189298 signature: aa55
EBR: 0x00051ffe 0x00000002, 1034240 0x0010d000,1952155056 signature: aa55
MBR: 0x00000002, 1034240 type: 0x0c
type: 16 lba: 335872 ‘mkfs.fat’ ‘ V ^ ‘ clusters 64605 (16)
rsc 1 fat-sectors 256 root dir cluster 1 sectors 32 entries 512
FAT16 clusters 64605
Read config.txt bytes 1612 hnd 0x4c
[nvme] pieeprom.upd not found
usb_max_current_enable default 0 max-current 5000
Read bcm2712-rpi-5-b.dtb bytes 73712 hnd 0x3a
dt-match: compatible: raspberrypi,5-model-b match: brcm,bcm2712
dt-match: compatible: brcm,bcm2712 match: brcm,bcm2712

NOTICE: BL31: v2.6(release):v2.6-239-g2a9ede0bd
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 14:26:57, Jun 22 2023

This one if when booting from USB
RPi: BOOTLOADER release VERSION:30cc5f37 DATE: 2024/01/05 TIME: 15:57:40
BOOTMODE: 0x06 partition 6 build-ts BUILD_TIMESTAMP=1704470260 serial ee821091 boardrev d04170 stc 4585344
AON_RESET: 00000003 PM_RSTS 00001034
usb_pd_init status 3
Boot mode: NVME (06) order f41
PCI1 init
PCI1 reset
PCIe timeout: 0x0001e08f
USB-PD: src-cap PDO object1 0x0a0191f4
Current 5000 mA
Voltage 5000 mV
USB-PD: src-cap PDO object2 0x0002d12c
Current 3000 mA
Voltage 9000 mV
USB-PD: src-cap PDO object3 0x0003c0e1
Current 2250 mA
Voltage 12000 mV
USB-PD: src-cap PDO object4 0x0004b0b4
Current 1800 mA
Voltage 15000 mV
Failed to open device: ‘nvme’
Retry NVME 1
PCI1 init
PCI1 reset
PCIe timeout: 0x0001e08f
Failed to open device: ‘nvme’
Boot mode: SD (01) order f4
SD HOST: 200000000 CTL0: 0x00800000 BUS: 400000 Hz actual: 390625 HZ div: 512 (256) status: 0x1fff0000 delay: 276
SD HOST: 200000000 CTL0: 0x00800f00 BUS: 400000 Hz actual: 390625 HZ div: 512 (256) status: 0x1fff0000 delay: 276
SD retry 1 oc 0
SD HOST: 200000000 CTL0: 0x00800000 BUS: 400000 Hz actual: 390625 HZ div: 512 (256) status: 0x1fff0000 delay: 276
SD retry 2 oc 0
SD HOST: 200000000 CTL0: 0x00800000 BUS: 400000 Hz actual: 390625 HZ div: 512 (256) status: 0x1fff0000 delay: 276
SD CMD: 0x371a0010 (55) 0x0 0x1fff0001
Failed to open device: ‘sdcard’ (cmd 371a0010 status 1fff0001)
Retry SD 1
SD HOST: 200000000 CTL0: 0x00800000 BUS: 400000 Hz actual: 390625 HZ div: 512 (256) status: 0x1fff0000 delay: 276
SD HOST: 200000000 CTL0: 0x00800f00 BUS: 400000 Hz actual: 390625 HZ div: 512 (256) status: 0x1fff0000 delay: 276
SD retry 1 oc 0
SD HOST: 200000000 CTL0: 0x00800000 BUS: 400000 Hz actual: 390625 HZ div: 512 (256) status: 0x1fff0000 delay: 276
SD retry 2 oc 0
SD HOST: 200000000 CTL0: 0x00800000 BUS: 400000 Hz actual: 390625 HZ div: 512 (256) status: 0x1fff0000 delay: 276
SD CMD: 0x371a0010 (55) 0x0 0x1fff0001
Failed to open device: ‘sdcard’ (cmd 371a0010 status 1fff0001)
Boot mode: USB-MSD (04) order f
xHC0 ver: 272 HCS: 03000440 140000f1 07ff000a HCC: 0240fe6d
xHC0 ver: 272 HCS: 03000440 140000f1 07ff000a HCC: 0240fe6d
xHC0 ports 3 slots 64 intrs 4
xHC1 ver: 272 HCS: 03000440 140000f1 07ff000a HCC: 0240fe6d
xHC1 ver: 272 HCS: 03000440 140000f1 07ff000a HCC: 0240fe6d
xHC1 ports 3 slots 64 intrs 4
USB2[2] 00020ae1 connected
USB2[1] 000206e1 connected
USB2[2] 00020ae1 connected
USB2[1] 00200e03 connected enabled
USB2 root HUB port 1 init
USB2[2] 00200a03 connected enabled
USB2 root HUB port 2 init
USB2[2] 00200a03 connected enabled
DEV [01:00] 2.00 000000:02 class 0 VID 046d PID c521
HID [01:00] 2.00 000000:02 register HID
DEV [01:00] 2.16 000000:01 class 0 VID 174c PID 2362
MSD device [01:00] 2.16 000000:01 conf 0 iface 0 ep 81#512 02#512
MSD [01:00] 2.16 000000:01 register MSD
MSD [01:00] 2.16 000000:01 LUN 0
USB2 root HUB port 2 init
DEV [02:00] 1.16 000000:02 class 0 VID 04d9 PID 1603
HID [02:00] 1.16 000000:02 register HID
MSD INQUIRY [01:00] 2.16 000000:01
MSD [01:00] 2.16 000000:01 lun 0 block-count 1953525168 block-size 512
MBR: 0x00002000, 260096 type: 0x0e
MBR: 0x00041800,1953256880 type: 0x05
MBR: 0x00000000, 0 type: 0x00
MBR: 0x00000000, 0 type: 0x00
Trying partition: 0
type: 16 lba: 8192 ‘mkfs.fat’ ‘ V ^ ‘ clusters 64887 (4)
rsc 1 fat-sectors 256 root dir cluster 1 sectors 32 entries 512
FAT16 clusters 64887
[MSD [01:00] 2.16 000000:01] autoboot.txt not found
Select partition rsts 6 C(boot_partition) 0 EEPROM config 0 result 6
Trying partition: 6
EBR: 0x00041800 0x00000800, 65534 0x000107fe,1953189298 signature: aa55
EBR: 0x00051ffe 0x00000002, 1034240 0x0010d000,1952155056 signature: aa55
MBR: 0x00000002, 1034240 type: 0x0c
type: 16 lba: 335872 ‘mkfs.fat’ ‘ V ^ ‘ clusters 64605 (16)
rsc 1 fat-sectors 256 root dir cluster 1 sectors 32 entries 512
FAT16 clusters 64605
Read config.txt bytes 1612 hnd 0x4c
[MSD [01:00] 2.16 000000:01] pieeprom.upd not found
usb_max_current_enable default 0 max-current 5000
Read bcm2712-rpi-5-b.dtb bytes 73712 hnd 0x3a
dt-match: compatible: raspberrypi,5-model-b match: brcm,bcm2712
dt-match: compatible: brcm,bcm2712 match: brcm,bcm2712

NOTICE: BL31: v2.6(release):v2.6-239-g2a9ede0bd
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 14:26:57, Jun 22 2023

@Poopi - As you can capture debug logs, perhaps you could try adding the following options in your ubuntu configuration? :
In /boot/firmware/config.txt


In /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt, add
console=serial0,115200 loglevel=7
and remove quiet

This is all on one line.

Please find below ( looks like root mounting fails):

RPi: BOOTSYS release VERSION:30cc5f37 DATE: 2024/01/05 TIME: 15:57:40
BOOTMODE: 0x06 partition 6 build-ts BUILD_TIMESTAMP=1704470260 serial ee821091 boardrev d04170 stc 1605263
AON_RESET: 00000003 PM_RSTS 00001034
RP1_BOOT chip ID: 0x20001927
PM_RSTS: 0x00001034
part 00000006 reset_info 00000000
PMIC reset-event 00000000 rtc 0000001d alarm 00000000 enabled 0
uSD voltage 3.3V
Initialising SDRAM ‘Micron’ 32Gb x2 total-size: 64 Gbit 4267
DDR 4267 1 0 64 152
RP1_BOOT chip ID: 0x20001927

RP1_BOOT chip ID: 0x20001927
RP1_BOOT: fw size 25968
PCI2 init
PCI2 reset
PCIe scan 00001de4:00000001
RP1_CHIP_INFO 20001927

RPi: BOOTLOADER release VERSION:30cc5f37 DATE: 2024/01/05 TIME: 15:57:40
BOOTMODE: 0x06 partition 6 build-ts BUILD_TIMESTAMP=1704470260 serial ee821091 boardrev d04170 stc 4591505
AON_RESET: 00000003 PM_RSTS 00001034
usb_pd_init status 3
Boot mode: NVME (06) order f41
PCI1 init
PCI1 reset
PCIe scan 0000c0a9:0000540a
VID 0xc0a9 MN CT1000P3PSSD8
MBR: 0x00002000, 260096 type: 0x0e
MBR: 0x00041800,1953256880 type: 0x05
MBR: 0x00000000, 0 type: 0x00
MBR: 0x00000000, 0 type: 0x00
USB-PD: src-cap PDO object1 0x0a0191f4
Current 5000 mA
Voltage 5000 mV
USB-PD: src-cap PDO object2 0x0002d12c
Current 3000 mA
Voltage 9000 mV
USB-PD: src-cap PDO object3 0x0003c0e1
Current 2250 mA
Voltage 12000 mV
USB-PD: src-cap PDO object4 0x0004b0b4
Current 1800 mA
Voltage 15000 mV
Trying partition: 0
type: 16 lba: 8192 ‘mkfs.fat’ ‘ V ^ ‘ clusters 64887 (4)
rsc 1 fat-sectors 256 root dir cluster 1 sectors 32 entries 512
FAT16 clusters 64887
[nvme] autoboot.txt not found
Select partition rsts 6 C(boot_partition) 0 EEPROM config 0 result 6
Trying partition: 6
EBR: 0x00041800 0x00000800, 65534 0x000107fe,1953189298 signature: aa55
EBR: 0x00051ffe 0x00000002, 1034240 0x0010d000,1952155056 signature: aa55
MBR: 0x00000002, 1034240 type: 0x0c
type: 16 lba: 335872 ‘mkfs.fat’ ‘ V ^ ‘ clusters 64605 (16)
rsc 1 fat-sectors 256 root dir cluster 1 sectors 32 entries 512
FAT16 clusters 64605
Read config.txt bytes 1507 hnd 0x244a
[nvme] pieeprom.upd not found
usb_max_current_enable default 0 max-current 5000
Read bcm2712-rpi-5-b.dtb bytes 73712 hnd 0x3a
dt-match: compatible: raspberrypi,5-model-b match: brcm,bcm2712
dt-match: compatible: brcm,bcm2712 match: brcm,bcm2712
Read /config.txt bytes 1507 hnd 0x244a
Read /config.txt bytes 1507 hnd 0x244a
MESS:00:00:04.842825:0: Initial voltage 800000 temp 36730
MESS:00:00:05.042550:0: avs_2712: AVS pred 8529 852900 temp 36181
MESS:00:00:05.045543:0: vpred 852 mV +0
MESS:00:00:05.675403:0: FB framebuffer_swap 1
MESS:00:00:05.704804:0: Select resolution HDMI0/2 hotplug 0 max_mode 2
MESS:00:00:05.708239:0: Select resolution HDMI1/2 hotplug 1 max_mode 2
MESS:00:00:05.726942:0: HDMI1 edid block 0 offset 0
MESS:00:00:05.728709:0: 00ffffffffffff002157010001000000
MESS:00:00:05.733770:0: 011d0104824627782ad9b0a357499c25
MESS:00:00:05.738832:0: 11494b210800714081c0810081408180
MESS:00:00:05.743894:0: 9500a9c0b300023a801871382d40582c
MESS:00:00:05.748956:0: 4500c48e2100001e000000fd0017551e
MESS:00:00:05.754018:0: 641e0410000000000001000000f7000a
MESS:00:00:05.759080:0: 0040c6440000000000000000000000fc
MESS:00:00:05.764142:0: 0048444d4920544f205553420a2001d4
MESS:00:00:05.781623:0: HDMI1 edid block 1 offset 128
MESS:00:00:05.783566:0: 02032cf151010203041112131f202122
MESS:00:00:05.788628:0: 3c3d3e905f6423090707830100006703
MESS:00:00:05.793690:0: 0c001000b83ce50e61606665011d0072
MESS:00:00:05.798752:0: 51d01e206e285500c48e2100001e8c0a
MESS:00:00:05.803814:0: d08a20e02d10103e9600c48e21000018
MESS:00:00:05.808876:0: 8c0ad090204031200c405500c48e2100
MESS:00:00:05.813938:0: 00184e1f008051001e3040803700c48e
MESS:00:00:05.818999:0: 21000018000000000000000000000022
MESS:00:00:05.824080:0: HDMI1: best-mode 2 (limit 2) 1920x1080 60 Hz CEA modes 1e000f80070000700000008010000000 extensions 1
MESS:00:00:05.835090:0: FB0 disp 1 max-fb 1 1920x1080 stride 3840 base 0x3f800000
Loading ‘initrd.img’ to 0x00000000 offset 0x0
Read initrd.img bytes 36740080 hnd 0x5a
MESS:00:00:06.123286:0: dtb_file ‘bcm2712-rpi-5-b.dtb’
Loading ‘bcm2712-rpi-5-b.dtb’ to 0x00000000 offset 0x100
Read bcm2712-rpi-5-b.dtb bytes 73712 hnd 0x3a
Read /overlays/overlay_map.dtb bytes 4743 hnd 0x2332
Read /config.txt bytes 1507 hnd 0x244a
Read /overlays/vc4-kms-v3d-pi5.dtbo bytes 3330 hnd 0x234c
Read /overlays/dwc2.dtbo bytes 801 hnd 0x22c1
MESS:00:00:06.408343:0: dterror: overlay ‘miniuart-bt’ is not supported on the ‘bcm2712’ platform
Read /cmdline.txt bytes 185 hnd 0x2458
BMD “armstub8-2712.bin” not found
fs_open: ‘armstub8-2712.bin’
Loading ‘vmlinuz’ to 0x00000000 offset 0x200000
Read vmlinuz bytes 10191550 hnd 0x1d5e
NVME off
PCI1 reset
PCI2 reset
USB-OTG disconnect
MESS:00:00:09.454741:0: Starting OS 9454 ms
MESS:00:00:09.458443:0: 00000040: -> 00000480
MESS:00:00:09.459921:0: 00000030: -> 00100080
MESS:00:00:09.464023:0: 00000034: -> 00100080
MESS:00:00:09.468125:0: 00000038: -> 00100080
MESS:00:00:09.472228:0: 0000003c: -> 00100080

NOTICE: BL31: v2.6(release):v2.6-239-g2a9ede0bd
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 14:26:57, Jun 22 2023
[ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0000000000 [0x414fd0b1]
[ 0.000000] Linux version 6.5.0-1005-raspi (buildd@bos01-arm64-006) (aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc-13 (Ubuntu 13.2.0-4ubuntu3) 13.2.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.41) #7-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun Oct 8 08:06:18 UTC 2023 (Ubuntu 6.5.0-1005.7-raspi 6.5.3)
[ 0.000000] KASLR enabled
[ 0.000000] random: crng init done
[ 0.000000] Machine model: Raspberry Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.0
[ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created CMA memory pool at 0x0000000001e00000, size 320 MiB
[ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node linux,cma, compatible id shared-dma-pool
[ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x0000000001e00000..0x0000000015dfffff (327680 KiB) map reusable linux,cma
[ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x0000000000000000..0x000000000007ffff (512 KiB) nomap non-reusable atf@0
[ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x000000003fd166e0..0x000000003fd16746 (0 KiB) nomap non-reusable nvram@0
[ 0.000000] Zone ranges:
[ 0.000000] DMA [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x00000000ffffffff]
[ 0.000000] DMA32 empty
[ 0.000000] Normal [mem 0x0000000100000000-0x00000001ffffffff]
[ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node
[ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges
[ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000007ffff]
[ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000080000-0x000000003f7fffff]
[ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000040000000-0x00000001ffffffff]
[ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x00000001ffffffff]
[ 0.000000] On node 0, zone DMA: 2048 pages in unavailable ranges
[ 0.000000] psci: probing for conduit method from DT.
[ 0.000000] psci: PSCIv1.1 detected in firmware.
[ 0.000000] psci: Using standard PSCI v0.2 function IDs
[ 0.000000] psci: MIGRATE_INFO_TYPE not supported.
[ 0.000000] psci: SMC Calling Convention v1.2
[ 0.000000] percpu: Embedded 30 pages/cpu s85928 r8192 d28760 u122880
[ 0.000000] Detected PIPT I-cache on CPU0
[ 0.000000] CPU features: detected: Virtualization Host Extensions
[ 0.000000] CPU features: detected: Hardware dirty bit management
[ 0.000000] CPU features: detected: Spectre-v4
[ 0.000000] CPU features: detected: Spectre-BHB
[ 0.000000] CPU features: kernel page table isolation forced ON by KASLR
[ 0.000000] CPU features: detected: Kernel page table isolation (KPTI)
[ 0.000000] alternatives: applying boot alternatives
[ 0.000000] Kernel command line: coherent_pool=1M 8250.nr_uarts=1 pci=pcie_bus_safe snd_bcm2835.enable_compat_alsa=0 snd_bcm2835.enable_hdmi=1 smsc95xx.macaddr=D8:3A:DD:A2:0A:57 vc_mem.mem_base=0x3fc00000 vc_mem.mem_size=0x40000000 zswap.enabled=1 zswap.zpool=z3fold zswap.compressor=zstd multipath=off dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA10,115200 loglevel=7 root=LABEL=writable rootfstype=ext4 rootwait fixrtc splash
[ 0.000000] Unknown kernel command line parameters “fixrtc splash multipath=off”, will be passed to user space.
[ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 1048576 (order: 11, 8388608 bytes, linear)
[ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 524288 (order: 10, 4194304 bytes, linear)
[ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 2062336
[ 0.000000] mem auto-init: stack:off, heap alloc:off, heap free:off
[ 0.000000] software IO TLB: area num 4.
[ 0.000000] software IO TLB: mapped [mem 0x00000000fbfff000-0x00000000fffff000] (64MB)
[ 0.000000] Memory: 7760752K/8380416K available (14400K kernel code, 2578K rwdata, 4452K rodata, 6144K init, 826K bss, 291984K reserved, 327680K cma-reserved)
[ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=4, Nodes=1
[ 0.000000] ftrace: allocating 42937 entries in 168 pages
[ 0.000000] ftrace: allocated 168 pages with 3 groups
[ 0.000000] trace event string verifier disabled
[ 0.000000] Dynamic Preempt: full
[ 0.000000] rcu: Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
[ 0.000000] rcu: RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=256 to nr_cpu_ids=4.
[ 0.000000] Trampoline variant of Tasks RCU enabled.
[ 0.000000] Rude variant of Tasks RCU enabled.
[ 0.000000] Tracing variant of Tasks RCU enabled.
[ 0.000000] rcu: RCU calculated value of scheduler-enlistment delay is 25 jiffies.
[ 0.000000] rcu: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=4
[ 0.000000] NR_IRQS: 64, nr_irqs: 64, preallocated irqs: 0
[ 0.000000] Root IRQ handler: gic_handle_irq
[ 0.000000] GIC: Using split EOI/Deactivate mode
[ 0.000000] rcu: srcu_init: Setting srcu_struct sizes based on contention.
[ 0.000000] arch_timer: cp15 timer(s) running at 54.00MHz (phys).
[ 0.000000] clocksource: arch_sys_counter: mask: 0xffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0xc743ce346, max_idle_ns: 440795203123 ns
[ 0.000000] sched_clock: 56 bits at 54MHz, resolution 18ns, wraps every 4398046511102ns
[ 0.000170] Console: colour dummy device 80x25
[ 0.000191] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 108.00 BogoMIPS (lpj=216000)
[ 0.000198] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[ 0.000370] LSM: initializing lsm=lockdown,capability,yama,apparmor,integrity
[ 0.000474] Yama: becoming mindful.
[ 0.000517] AppArmor: AppArmor initialized
[ 0.000621] Mount-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes, linear)
[ 0.000644] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes, linear)
[ 0.001577] RCU Tasks: Setting shift to 2 and lim to 1 rcu_task_cb_adjust=1.
[ 0.001614] RCU Tasks Rude: Setting shift to 2 and lim to 1 rcu_task_cb_adjust=1.
[ 0.001656] RCU Tasks Trace: Setting shift to 2 and lim to 1 rcu_task_cb_adjust=1.
[ 0.001748] rcu: Hierarchical SRCU implementation.
[ 0.001750] rcu: Max phase no-delay instances is 1000.
[ 0.002582] smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs …
[ 0.002821] Detected PIPT I-cache on CPU1
[ 0.002867] CPU1: Booted secondary processor 0x0000000100 [0x414fd0b1]
[ 0.003130] Detected PIPT I-cache on CPU2
[ 0.003167] CPU2: Booted secondary processor 0x0000000200 [0x414fd0b1]
[ 0.003414] Detected PIPT I-cache on CPU3
[ 0.003448] CPU3: Booted secondary processor 0x0000000300 [0x414fd0b1]
[ 0.003488] smp: Brought up 1 node, 4 CPUs
[ 0.003492] SMP: Total of 4 processors activated.
[ 0.003495] CPU features: detected: 32-bit EL0 Support
[ 0.003498] CPU features: detected: Data cache clean to the PoU not required for I/D coherence
[ 0.003501] CPU features: detected: Common not Private translations
[ 0.003503] CPU features: detected: CRC32 instructions
[ 0.003505] CPU features: detected: Data cache clean to Point of Persistence
[ 0.003509] CPU features: detected: RCpc load-acquire (LDAPR)
[ 0.003511] CPU features: detected: LSE atomic instructions
[ 0.003514] CPU features: detected: Privileged Access Never
[ 0.003517] CPU features: detected: Speculative Store Bypassing Safe (SSBS)
[ 0.003558] CPU: All CPU(s) started at EL2
[ 0.003560] alternatives: applying system-wide alternatives
[ 0.005904] devtmpfs: initialized
[ 0.009056] Enabled cp15_barrier support
[ 0.009064] Enabled setend support
[ 0.009122] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 7645041785100000 ns
[ 0.009130] futex hash table entries: 1024 (order: 4, 65536 bytes, linear)
[ 0.012544] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
[ 0.012969] NET: Registered PF_NETLINK/PF_ROUTE protocol family
[ 0.013427] DMA: preallocated 1024 KiB GFP_KERNEL pool for atomic allocations
[ 0.013499] DMA: preallocated 1024 KiB GFP_KERNEL|GFP_DMA pool for atomic allocations
[ 0.013668] DMA: preallocated 1024 KiB GFP_KERNEL|GFP_DMA32 pool for atomic allocations
[ 0.013691] audit: initializing netlink subsys (disabled)
[ 0.013747] audit: type=2000 audit(0.012:1): state=initialized audit_enabled=0 res=1
[ 0.013898] thermal_sys: Registered thermal governor ‘fair_share’
[ 0.013901] thermal_sys: Registered thermal governor ‘bang_bang’
[ 0.013903] thermal_sys: Registered thermal governor ‘step_wise’
[ 0.013905] thermal_sys: Registered thermal governor ‘user_space’
[ 0.013923] cpuidle: using governor ladder
[ 0.013933] cpuidle: using governor menu
[ 0.014028] hw-breakpoint: found 6 breakpoint and 4 watchpoint registers.
[ 0.014072] ASID allocator initialised with 32768 entries
[ 0.014427] Serial: AMBA PL011 UART driver
[ 0.016146] bcm2835-mbox 107c013880.mailbox: mailbox enabled
[ 0.016992] 107d001000.serial: ttyAMA10 at MMIO 0x107d001000 (irq = 15, base_baud = 0) is a PL011 rev2
[ 0.017003] printk: console [ttyAMA10] enabled
[ 0.792977] raspberrypi-firmware soc:firmware: Attached to firmware from 2024-01-05T15:57:40, variant start_cd
[ 0.807034] raspberrypi-firmware soc:firmware: Firmware hash is 30cc5f3700000000000000000000000000000000
[ 0.825177] Modules: 2G module region forced by RANDOMIZE_MODULE_REGION_FULL
[ 0.832258] Modules: 0 pages in range for non-PLT usage
[ 0.832260] Modules: 517136 pages in range for PLT usage
[ 0.837805] HugeTLB: registered 1.00 GiB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages
[ 0.849951] HugeTLB: 0 KiB vmemmap can be freed for a 1.00 GiB page
[ 0.856242] HugeTLB: registered 32.0 MiB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages
[ 0.863055] HugeTLB: 0 KiB vmemmap can be freed for a 32.0 MiB page
[ 0.869345] HugeTLB: registered 2.00 MiB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages
[ 0.876158] HugeTLB: 0 KiB vmemmap can be freed for a 2.00 MiB page
[ 0.882448] HugeTLB: registered 64.0 KiB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages
[ 0.889261] HugeTLB: 0 KiB vmemmap can be freed for a 64.0 KiB page
[ 0.896241] bcm2835-dma 1000010000.dma: DMA legacy API manager, dmachans=0x1
[ 0.904359] iommu: Default domain type: Translated
[ 0.909176] iommu: DMA domain TLB invalidation policy: strict mode
[ 0.915491] SCSI subsystem initialized
[ 0.919291] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[ 0.924805] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[ 0.930145] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[ 0.935234] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered
[ 0.940215] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti
[ 0.949390] PTP clock support registered
[ 0.953333] EDAC MC: Ver: 3.0.0
[ 0.956911] NetLabel: Initializing
[ 0.960320] NetLabel: domain hash size = 128
[ 0.964701] NetLabel: protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4 CALIPSO
[ 0.970403] NetLabel: unlabeled traffic allowed by default
[ 0.976157] clocksource: Switched to clocksource arch_sys_counter
[ 1.018397] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.6.0
[ 1.022371] VFS: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
[ 1.029583] AppArmor: AppArmor Filesystem Enabled
[ 1.036707] NET: Registered PF_INET protocol family
[ 1.041785] IP idents hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes, linear)
[ 1.052174] tcp_listen_portaddr_hash hash table entries: 4096 (order: 4, 65536 bytes, linear)
[ 1.060806] Table-perturb hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes, linear)
[ 1.068589] TCP established hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes, linear)
[ 1.076825] TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 9, 2097152 bytes, linear)
[ 1.086165] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 65536 bind 65536)
[ 1.092924] MPTCP token hash table entries: 8192 (order: 5, 196608 bytes, linear)
[ 1.100575] UDP hash table entries: 4096 (order: 5, 131072 bytes, linear)
[ 1.107490] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 4096 (order: 5, 131072 bytes, linear)
[ 1.114946] NET: Registered PF_UNIX/PF_LOCAL protocol family
[ 1.120641] NET: Registered PF_XDP protocol family
[ 1.125459] PCI: CLS 0 bytes, default 64
[ 1.129472] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs…
[ 1.135013] kvm [1]: IPA Size Limit: 40 bits
[ 1.139341] kvm [1]: vgic interrupt IRQ9
[ 1.143306] kvm [1]: VHE mode initialized successfully
[ 1.143829] Initramfs unpacking failed: invalid magic at start of compressed archive
[ 1.148962] Initialise system trusted keyrings
[ 1.160761] Key type blacklist registered
[ 1.164974] workingset: timestamp_bits=46 max_order=21 bucket_order=0
[ 1.171580] zbud: loaded
[ 1.175133] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
[ 1.183104] Freeing initrd memory: 35876K
[ 1.193258] Key type asymmetric registered
[ 1.197370] Asymmetric key parser ‘x509’ registered
[ 1.202290] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 246)
[ 1.209789] io scheduler mq-deadline registered
[ 1.214601] irq_brcmstb_l2: registered L2 intc (/soc/interrupt-controller@7c502000, parent irq: 27)
[ 1.223823] irq_brcmstb_l2: registered L2 intc (/soc/intc@7d503000, parent irq: 28)
[ 1.231625] irq_brcmstb_l2: registered L2 intc (/soc/intc@7d508380, parent irq: 29)
[ 1.239468] irq_brcmstb_l2: registered L2 intc (/soc/intc@7d508400, parent irq: 30)
[ 1.247268] irq_brcmstb_l2: registered L2 intc (/soc/interrupt-controller@7d510600, parent irq: 31)
[ 1.256463] irq_brcmstb_l2: registered L2 intc (/soc/intc@7d517b00, parent irq: 32)
[ 1.265803] simple-framebuffer 3f800000.framebuffer: framebuffer at 0x3f800000, 0x3f4800 bytes
[ 1.274461] simple-framebuffer 3f800000.framebuffer: format=r5g6b5, mode=1920x1080x16, linelength=3840
[ 1.285465] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 240x67
[ 1.293259] simple-framebuffer 3f800000.framebuffer: fb0: simplefb registered!
[ 1.347070] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 1 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
[ 1.354188] iproc-rng200 107d208000.rng: hwrng registered
[ 1.359691] vc-mem: phys_addr:0x00000000 mem_base=0x3fc00000 mem_size:0x40000000(1024 MiB)
[ 1.368680] bcm2712-iommu-cache 1000005b00.iommuc: bcm2712_iommu_cache_probe
[ 1.378352] loop: module loaded
[ 1.381724] bcm2835-power bcm2835-power: Broadcom BCM2835 power domains driver
[ 1.389868] usbcore: registered new interface driver lan78xx
[ 1.395561] usbcore: registered new interface driver smsc95xx
[ 1.401335] dwc_otg: version 3.00a 10-AUG-2012 (platform bus)
[ 1.407309] mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
[ 1.412906] i2c_dev: i2c /dev entries driver
[ 1.417885] bcm2835-wdt bcm2835-wdt: Poweroff handler already present!
[ 1.424443] bcm2835-wdt bcm2835-wdt: Broadcom BCM2835 watchdog timer
[ 1.433436] sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver
[ 1.439669] sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman
[ 1.444205] sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper
[ 1.450067] ledtrig-cpu: registered to indicate activity on CPUs
[ 1.456138] SMCCC: SOC_ID: ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented, skipping ….
[ 1.462618] hid: raw HID events driver (C) Jiri Kosina
[ 1.468130] hw perfevents: enabled with armv8_cortex_a76 PMU driver, 7 counters available
[ 1.476417] watchdog: Delayed init of the lockup detector failed: -19
[ 1.482882] watchdog: Hard watchdog permanently disabled
[ 1.483033] NET: Registered PF_INET6 protocol family
[ 1.494043] Segment Routing with IPv6
[ 1.497724] In-situ OAM (IOAM) with IPv6
[ 1.501685] NET: Registered PF_PACKET protocol family
[ 1.506789] Key type dns_resolver registered
[ 1.514222] registered taskstats version 1
[ 1.518404] Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates
[ 1.523923] Loaded X.509 cert ‘Build time autogenerated kernel key: 7a4b9581f72c0da29b9dc143bcec6d6871207dfc’
[ 1.534529] Loaded X.509 cert ‘Canonical Ltd. Live Patch Signing: 14df34d1a87cf37625abec039ef2bf521249b969’
[ 1.544976] Loaded X.509 cert ‘Canonical Ltd. Kernel Module Signing: 88f752e560a1e0737e31163a466ad7b70a850c19’
[ 1.555023] blacklist: Loading compiled-in revocation X.509 certificates
[ 1.561767] Loaded X.509 cert ‘Canonical Ltd. Secure Boot Signing: 61482aa2830d0ab2ad5af10b7250da9033ddcef0’
[ 1.571688] Loaded X.509 cert ‘Canonical Ltd. Secure Boot Signing (2017): 242ade75ac4a15e50d50c84b0d45ff3eae707a03’
[ 1.582186] Loaded X.509 cert ‘Canonical Ltd. Secure Boot Signing (ESM 2018): 365188c1d374d6b07c3c8f240f8ef722433d6a8b’
[ 1.593034] Loaded X.509 cert ‘Canonical Ltd. Secure Boot Signing (2019): c0746fd6c5da3ae827864651ad66ae47fe24b3e8’
[ 1.603532] Loaded X.509 cert ‘Canonical Ltd. Secure Boot Signing (2021 v1): a8d54bbb3825cfb94fa13c9f8a594a195c107b8d’
[ 1.614292] Loaded X.509 cert ‘Canonical Ltd. Secure Boot Signing (2021 v2): 4cf046892d6fd3c9a5b03f98d845f90851dc6a8c’
[ 1.625050] Loaded X.509 cert ‘Canonical Ltd. Secure Boot Signing (2021 v3): 100437bb6de6e469b581e61cd66bce3ef4ed53af’
[ 1.635809] Loaded X.509 cert ‘Canonical Ltd. Secure Boot Signing (Ubuntu Core 2019): c1d57b8f6b743f23ee41f4f7ee292f06eecadfb9’
[ 1.647538] zswap: compressor zstd not available, using default lzo
[ 1.653882] zswap: zpool z3fold not available, using default zbud
[ 1.660046] zswap: loaded using pool lzo/zbud
[ 1.666583] Key type .fscrypt registered
[ 1.670526] Key type fscrypt-provisioning registered
[ 1.675680] Key type encrypted registered
[ 1.679703] AppArmor: AppArmor sha1 policy hashing enabled
[ 1.685222] ima: No TPM chip found, activating TPM-bypass!
[ 1.690726] ima: Allocated hash algorithm: sha1
[ 1.695279] ima: No architecture policies found
[ 1.699836] evm: Initialising EVM extended attributes:
[ 1.704990] evm: security.selinux
[ 1.708311] evm: security.SMACK64
[ 1.711630] evm: security.SMACK64EXEC
[ 1.715299] evm: security.SMACK64TRANSMUTE
[ 1.719409] evm: security.SMACK64MMAP
[ 1.723080] evm: security.apparmor
[ 1.726490] evm: security.ima
[ 1.729464] evm: security.capability
[ 1.733048] evm: HMAC attrs: 0x1
[ 1.737543] bcm2712-iommu 1000005100.iommu: bcm2712_iommu_init: DEBUG_INFO = 0x20804774
[ 1.745919] platform 1000880000.pisp_be: bcm2712_iommu_probe_device: MMU 1000005100.iommu
[ 1.754147] platform 1000880000.pisp_be: bcm2712_iommu_device_group: MMU 1000005100.iommu
[ 1.762375] platform 1000880000.pisp_be: Adding to iommu group 0
[ 1.768436] platform 1000880000.pisp_be: bcm2712_iommu_attach_dev: MMU 1000005100.iommu
[ 1.776479] bcm2712-iommu 1000005100.iommu: bcm2712_iommu_probe: Success
[ 1.783625] bcm2712-iommu 1000005200.iommu: bcm2712_iommu_init: DEBUG_INFO = 0x20804774
[ 1.791919] platform axi:gpu: bcm2712_iommu_probe_device: MMU 1000005200.iommu
[ 1.799170] platform axi:gpu: bcm2712_iommu_device_group: MMU 1000005200.iommu
[ 1.806424] platform axi:gpu: Adding to iommu group 1
[ 1.811521] platform axi:gpu: bcm2712_iommu_attach_dev: MMU 1000005200.iommu
[ 1.818600] bcm2712-iommu 1000005200.iommu: bcm2712_iommu_probe: Success
[ 1.825763] bcm2712-iommu 1000005280.iommu: bcm2712_iommu_init: DEBUG_INFO = 0x20804774
[ 1.834057] bcm2712-iommu 1000005280.iommu: bcm2712_iommu_probe: Success
[ 1.841677] of_cfs_init
[ 1.844177] of_cfs_init: OK
[ 1.847084] clk: Disabling unused clocks
[ 1.859864] uart-pl011 107d001000.serial: no DMA platform data
[ 1.865748] Disabling rootwait; root= is invalid.
[ 1.870610] /dev/root: Can’t open blockdev
[ 1.874737] VFS: Cannot open root device “LABEL=writable” or unknown-block(0,0): error -6
[ 1.882952] Please append a correct “root=“ boot option; here are the available partitions:
[ 1.891346] List of all bdev filesystems:
[ 1.895366] ext3
[ 1.895368] ext2
[ 1.897293] ext4
[ 1.899216] squashfs
[ 1.901140] vfat
[ 1.903411]
[ 1.906821] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
[ 1.915116] CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 6.5.0-1005-raspi #7-Ubuntu
[ 1.922538] Hardware name: Raspberry Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.0 (DT)
[ 1.928388] Call trace:
[ 1.930834] dump_backtrace+0x9c/0x128
[ 1.934594] show_stack+0x20/0x38
[ 1.937914] dump_stack_lvl+0xbc/0x120
[ 1.941671] dump_stack+0x18/0x28
[ 1.944991] panic+0x370/0x400
[ 1.948050] mount_root_generic+0x19c/0x328
[ 1.952245] mount_root+0xa4/0x118
[ 1.955652] prepare_namespace+0x74/0x2d0
[ 1.959669] kernel_init_freeable+0x258/0x2d0
[ 1.964037] kernel_init+0x38/0x218
[ 1.967532] ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20
[ 1.971115] SMP: stopping secondary CPUs
[ 1.975047] Kernel Offset: 0x200004000000 from 0xffff800080000000
[ 1.981159] PHYS_OFFSET: 0x0
[ 1.984042] CPU features: 0x00000000,b8014021,8001720b
[ 1.989194] Memory Limit: none
[ 1.992252] —[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) ]—

There is also one more thing. In my config the RaspberryOS does work via NVMe but not via USB. While with Ubuntu is the other way around. LibELEC is fine in both configs...

Adding log from USB for the reference
As suspected the root partition in not being mounted. Caused by the fact it is an Extended Partition?

Adding logs from boot without PINN

It seems that this is very fishy:

[ 1.142820] kvm [1]: VHE mode initialized successfully
[ 1.143543] Initramfs unpacking failed: invalid magic at start of compressed archive
[ 1.148491] Initialise system trusted keyrings

After multiple trials and error I've made Ubuntu working with PINN and directly from NVME ;) - in kinda hacking way but...
I was suspecting something fishy with Ubuntu kernel/initrd compilation. I turned out it is true.
I downloaded nightly 24.04 image and checked the system-boot partition. Interestingly it contained the same kernel as for 23.10 but the initrd was significantly smaller. So basically I've copied both files to NVMe and bang it boots :)

Well done!
I was beginning to suspect the initrd but I couldn't understand why it would work on a Pi5/NVMe without PINN.

Me neither. But it seems like for some reasons the initramfs was corrupted during kernel boot. I was trying to load it in different memory regions but nothing helps. After booting and upgrading the packages to latest 23.10 I also noticed significant decrease in initrd.img file size. 37MB for 1005 down to 20MB in 1009 ... If I will find some time I will dig into Ubuntu sources to check.

The initrd change mostly seems to be a reduction in the number of power device drivers .....🤷‍♂️ Nothing majorly significant. Nevertheless, I have copied the initrd.img from 24.04 into 23.10 to create a new ubuntu2310a version (in Testing) so I would be grateful if you could try this out.
Plus I have created an install for Ubuntu24.04 in case something else needs changing I have missed.
To get access to these versions, please unzip the attached file and copy os_list_v3.json file onto your PINN recovery partition, then reboot PINN. (Once the new OSes have been installed and tested on NVMe, the os_list_v3.json file can be deleted to prevent future confusion)

24.04 works like a charm. Are you sure you updated the initrd.img? It still shows Oct 12 as data stamp and size is from original 23.10. There is an interesting fix in the kernel added recently Kernel
I manually replaced initrd.img from you system-package onto system-boot partition Ubuntu boots like a charm....

Hmm, I thought I had. Oh well. I'll have to give it another go. At least we have a way forward for NVMe :)

could you share this initrd.img to replace in23.10? I'm newbie in linux systems... In software too... :)
I have the same problem with my PINN instaled on nvme disk.

I have rebuilt 23.10 installation by replacing with some files from 24.04 (which still seems to have the 1005 version)

Please unzip the attached file and copy os_list_v3.json file onto your PINN recovery partition, then reboot PINN. (Once the new OSes have been installed and tested on NVMe, the os_list_v3.json file can be deleted to prevent future confusion)

Please try installing Ubuntu2310b from the Testing category onto your NVMe drive.

Hello. I just installed 23.10b and it's ok (problem temporary solved :)
Thank you!

Thanks for testing.
I will repkace the original 23.10 with this b version.


Is there a known issue with big SD cards?

Had no problems with a 64GB Sandisk Extreme Pro.
I use to create a template for recovery.cmdline.

Now I bought a Kingston Canvas Go Plus 256GB and seems the recovery.cmdline is just ignored.

Is there any way to troubleshoot this?
I don't see anything useful in /tmp/debug.

V3.8.9 beta is a bit different.
Rename it to cmdline.txt instead of recovery.cmdline

V3.8.9 beta is a bit different. Rename it to cmdline.txt instead of recovery.cmdline

Ouch, I probably did it last time and then forgot about it... thanks.

The first boot is still a lottery, same with the 64GB.
Sometimes goes smoothly but very often doesn't.
After a few windows informing it's reading and parsing the cmdline goes to the main window with the list of images selected to install.
Before the list is ready you have on top the small progress window with "PINN is initializing" in the middle.
It just halts at some point and the system freezes completely.

Did it twice now that could read the cmdline.txt; first two complete freezes, 3rd only crashing the UI (jumped out to console), then with a couple of lucky reboots I got it finally installing.

Never had any other freezing issue after the first boot to install.
Always been able to go through it just retrying again.

Will try again to reproduce it with the 64GB, which went way smoother, now that I can free it up for testing.

See #770. Try not to touch the mouse until it has fully initialised, got an ip address and read all files, to see if that helps.

Thanks, maybe I did move the mouse, not sure.
Have one of these small wireless mouse/keyboard combo and you never know what happens with the mouse. is still missing the pi5 dtb so cannot be booted.
are there plans on when this will be added?

The Pi5 requires more than just a dtb file, which is why it is still in beta.
Please see the announcement at
It is usable if you can live with its couple of issues.

The Pi5 requires more than just a dtb file, which is why it is still in beta. Please see the announcement at It is usable if you can live with its couple of issues.

@procount consider correcting your initial post then scrolling to the bottom of that post leads to the download link that I posted above which does not have pi5 support. yet it says at the top that pi5 support is available in the beta. I looked nearly everywhere (apparently not every page on that thread) for the beta (github, sourceforge) and could not find it.

I would expect any beta release to be marked as beta/prerelease and available here like any other project available on github.

Post updated.

Hi, I have the same issue with my Crucial P3 Plus connected to a Pimoroni Base NVMe
And i found this about last kernel.
Thanks for your job! I’m impatient to have dual boot (PiOS et Ubuntu) on my Pi5 :)

Post updated.

@procount I don't see any edits on the initial post

Last edited by procount on Thu Dec 28, 2023 2:35 pm, edited 96 times in total.

Must have forgotten to press submit. Updated again.

My new RPi 5 - Instaled Raspios, libreelec ang project space on 32GB card, and all working good.
Only eeprom update was necessary.
Thanks for your good job @procount
P.S. Do you have some plan for the update (Czech language etc.)?

I have added the Czech translations to the main program and will include these changes in the next Pi5 beta.

Hello everyone, please tell me how to set up Pinn on the Raspberry Pi 5. I am using the website to create the Pinns recovery.cmdline. When I then copy the to the SD card, Pinns does not start. I also get a message that the DTB file for the Pi 5 is missing. Thank you very much!

You need to read the announcement post as it is still in beta:

The instructions on the website are not updated for the Pi 5.

Donwload the latest pinn-lite BETA version, you get the DTB error cause it's not the right version supporting the Pi 5.

Rename the recovery.cmdline from the website as cmdline.txt and put it in the root file of the SDCard, overwrite the existing one.

I just installed PINN in my Raspberry Pi 5 I'm having trouble with some issues which I haven't read here.

First of all, PINN ignores the bootmenutimeout option in the cmdline file, booting to the same OS every time.

In addition, if the Raspberry isn't connected via HDMI (or the device to which it's connected is turned off) and the power supply was not plugged in, when plugging the power in it doesn't boot to any OS. If then the HDMI cable is connected, the screen is entirely black. I need to power off the Pi by holding the power button and then power it on to make it boot.

Also, there were some issues with Android TV which I commented here

It sounds like you have ticked one of the checkboxes alongside one of your OSes in the boot menu. This is a Sticky Default and forces this behaviour. Press Shift on next boot of PINN to get into the menu, press ESC, then untick the box.

I often run my PINN installations headless, but haven't specifically noticed this issue. Can you try commenting out the dtoverlay in config.txt that loads the KMS and see if that improves the situation?

The RPi does not support hotplugging of HDMI monitors in general. It expects them to be powered up on boot so that it can read the EDID information out of them and configure the display accordingly.

You can force the display into an appropriate mode by specifying the video parameters.
If using KMS add e.g. video=HDMI-A-1:1280x800@60 to cmdline.txt
If not using KMS, use the older config.txt settings of e.g. hdmi_group=2 and hdmi_mode=28
These are just examples - choose resolutions appropriate to your monitor.

I have permission from Konsta to distribute his Lineage builds, but he won't support any issues with multi-booting. However, the issues you mention seem to be general issues that are independent of PINN.

It sounds like you have ticked one of the checkboxes alongside one of your OSes in the boot menu. This is a Sticky Default and forces this behaviour. Press Shift on next boot of PINN to get into the menu, press ESC, then untick the box.

According to the README, shouldn't the boot selection be shown for the configured time? The notes at the Sticky tab say that the bootmenutimeout may be used to show the boot selection menu.

I often run my PINN installations headless, but haven't specifically noticed this issue. Can you try commenting out the dtoverlay in config.txt that loads the KMS and see if that improves the situation?

I'll try that, thanks. However I cannot do it until next Friday as I'm not at home.

The RPi does not support hotplugging of HDMI monitors in general. It expects them to be powered up on boot so that it can read the EDID information out of them and configure the display accordingly.

You can force the display into an appropriate mode by specifying the video parameters.
If using KMS add e.g. video=HDMI-A-1:1280x800@60 to cmdline.txt
If not using KMS, use the older config.txt settings of e.g. hdmi_group=2 and hdmi_mode=28
These are just examples - choose resolutions appropriate to your monitor.

I see. I expected that if no HDMI is plugged in the raspberry would work as usual just that headlessly. By doing this, will the raspberry boot even when no HDMI cable is present? Or is this for being able to hotplug the HDMI cable?

I have permission from Konsta to distribute his Lineage builds, but he won't support any issues with multi-booting. However, the issues you mention seem to be general issues that are independent of PINN.

Where should I report it/ask for help? It makes the OS barely usable if there's no sound output. I'm not able to check if it works without PINN as I'd have to reformat the SD card and I set some docker containers which I cannot remove and would prefer not to touch.

Thanks for your help!

  1. I see your misinterpretation.

bootmenutimeout=: Changes the default timeout allowed before an OS is booted without any selection. (If this option is provided with a default sticky OS selected, the menu boot time will be respected, allowing you to choose another OS for this boot only). A value of 0 will wait indefinitely.


Sticky Default OS
Each OS entry in the boot selection dialog has a checkbox next to it, allowing users to select it as a sticky default OS. If an OS is checked, PINN will operate as if that were the only OS installed (booting it automatically, without showing the boot selection dialog). This permits a slightly faster boot up time when one OS is used regularly.

So if you have selected a sticky OS, you must press Shift to enter the recovery menu, then Esc to enter the boot selection dialog in order for it to have an effect. Otherwise the boot selection dialog is bypassed as if only one OS had been installed.
If you don't want to boot quickly into the same OS each time, then don't tick the sticky box. You will then get the boot selection menu for the bootmenutimeout length of time. If you don't do anything it will boot into the LAST OS you booted into.

  1. I seem to recall this blocking of booting has been mentioned in the forums before in relation to Raspios/KMS. I've not really come across it myself.

  2. I have taken LineageOS (booted via PINN of course) as my media player on holiday on a Pi400. The HDMI sound does work. It's probably a configuration issue somewhere in LineageOS, or possibly a HDMI_DRIVE=2 setting in config.txt, or maybe even your HDMI cable. PINN should not affect the HDMI sound output of LineageOS.

@Dent2024 The instructions on the website are not updated for the Pi 5.

Donwload the latest pinn-lite BETA version, you get the DTB error cause it's not the right version supporting the Pi 5.

Rename the recovery.cmdline from the website as cmdline.txt and put it in the root file of the SDCard, overwrite the existing one.

Hi mann1x, thank you for the hint and sorry for the late response.
Now I could make it running, but no system is starting, it runs in a bootloop!
I installed LibreElec and Recalbox, the installation was running correctly (I repeat the whole installation two times, same result).
Any ideas?

@Dent2024 The instructions on the website are not updated for the Pi 5.
Donwload the latest pinn-lite BETA version, you get the DTB error cause it's not the right version supporting the Pi 5.
Rename the recovery.cmdline from the website as cmdline.txt and put it in the root file of the SDCard, overwrite the existing one.

Hi mann1x, thank you for the hint and sorry for the late response. Now I could make it running, but no system is starting, it runs in a bootloop! I installed LibreElec and Recalbox, the installation was running correctly (I repeat the whole installation two times, same result). Any ideas?

I don't know...
Been a while since I used it last time.
Are you sure you didn't touch keyboard or mouse during the bootup? That caused me very weird issues.
I would avoid also touching them while installing.

You should read the announcement notice I pointed you at again:
It explains that if you keep rebooting into PINN then you need to update your Pi5 firmware. It includes a link to the necessary firmware and instructions on how to update it.

@Dent2024 You should read the announcement notice I pointed you at again: It explains that if you keep rebooting into PINN then you need to update your Pi5 firmware. It includes a link to the necessary firmware and instructions on how to update it.

Thank you very much and sorry, I missed that.

Here a noob How-To "How to install Pinns on Raspberry Pi 5".

  1. make sure, you're running an up-to-date firmware
    1.a) read how to update the firmware here ( )
    1.b) or use this command on e.g. under the raspberry OS "sudo rpi-eeprom-update -a"

  2. Load the beta Pinns e.g. /archive/ here (
    -> direkt URL:

  3. Call the pinns website ( and download only the recovery.cmdline
    3.1) rename the recovery.cmdline to cmdline.txt

  4. unzip the "" into a folder
    4.1) copy the cmdline.txt into that folder
    4.2) copy the whole content of that folder to a formated sd-card

Hint: to format the sd-card use Raspberry Pi Imager