processone / xmpp

Erlang/Elixir XMPP parsing and serialization library on top of Fast XML

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Cannot find erl_nif.h on make command

tqwewe opened this issue · comments

I'm running windows 10 and attempting to run the install commands (git clone, cd, make), but upon running the make command, I come across the following error:

.../xmpp/deps/fast_xml/c_src/fxml.c(18): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'erl_nif.h': No such file or directory
ERROR: compile failed while processing .../xmpp/deps/fast_xml: rebar_abort
make: *** [Makefile:7: src] Error 1

I managed to find erl_nif.h inside my erlang installation folder under erl9.3/usr and I tried copying all the header files to my deps/fast_xml/c_str/ folder and also tried executing export PATH=$PATH:/c/Program\ Files/erl9.3/usr/include but the error persists.

Below is my entire output:

$ make
./rebar get-deps compile
==> p1_utils (get-deps)
==> fast_xml (get-deps)
==> stringprep (get-deps)
==> xmpp (get-deps)
==> p1_utils (compile)
==> fast_xml (compile)
Compiling c:/Users/Arise/Documents/Programming/Erlang/xmpp2/xmpp/deps/fast_xml/c_src/fxml.c
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.00.24225.1 for x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-g'
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type 'Files/erl9.3/lib/erl_interface-3.10.1/include', object file assumed
cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file 'Files/erl9.3/lib/erl_interface-3.10.1/include' ignored
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type 'Files/erl9.3/erts-9.3/include', object file assumed
cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file 'Files/erl9.3/erts-9.3/include' ignored
c:/Users/Arise/Documents/Programming/Erlang/xmpp2/xmpp/deps/fast_xml/c_src/fxml.c(18): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'erl_nif.h': No such file or directory
ERROR: compile failed while processing c:/Users/Arise/Documents/Programming/Erlang/xmpp2/xmpp/deps/fast_xml: rebar_abort
make: *** [Makefile:7: src] Error 1

Try copying it to more places, maybe you're lucky, like fast_xml/, fast_xml/include, etc.

In the worst case, you can install ejabberd from binary package, copy the binary files you can't compile, and then uninstall it.

For now I just switched my development to a remote machine running FreeBSD and it worked fine.
I'm a noob at Erlang and I haven't been able to figure out to how get started with this xmpp library, are there any examples or tutorials? My brain can't understand all this.

Well, ejabberd uses this library, so all it is a big example. Apart from that, nothing that I remember. Of course, I imagine you already looked at