processone / rtb

Benchmarking tool to stress real-time protocols

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Benchmark failure: Authentication failure: Not authorized

Scott-Zou-Developer opened this issue · comments

root@scott-virtual-machine:/home/scott/develop/VerneMQ/rtb/rtb# ./
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.6.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [ds:2:2:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]

Eshell V10.6.1 (abort with ^G)
(rtb@localhost)1> 23:39:37.836 [notice] Changed loghwm of log/rtb.log to 10000
23:39:37.922 [info] Loading configuration from rtb.yml
23:39:37.936 [info] Capacity is 10 sessions
23:39:37.956 [info] Found /usr/bin/gnuplot 5.2 patchlevel 6
23:39:37.956 [info] Arrival rate is 10.0 conn/sec
23:39:37.998 [info] Maximum available files from ulimit: 1024
23:39:37.998 [info] Maximum available files from fs.file-max: 394157
23:39:37.998 [info] Maximum available files from fs.nr_open: 1048576
23:39:37.998 [info] Maximum available Erlang processes: 65536
23:39:37.998 [info] Maximum available Erlang ports: 65536
23:39:38.053 [info] Accepting HTTP connections on port 8080
23:39:38.081 [critical] Benchmark failure: Authentication failure: Not authorized

What does the server log say?

How did you setup users in rtb.yml?

(1) below is the server log
2020-03-10 14:54:22.030 [notice] <0.103.0>@lager_file_backend:152 Changed loghwm of log/rtb.log to 10000 2020-03-10 14:54:22.172 [info] <0.170.0>@rtb_config:load_config:84 Loading configuration from rtb.yml 2020-03-10 14:54:22.191 [info] <0.170.0>@rtb_config:prep_option:405 Capacity is 10 sessions 2020-03-10 14:54:22.213 [info] <0.170.0>@rtb_config:prep_option:452 Found /usr/bin/gnuplot 5.2 patchlevel 6 2020-03-10 14:54:22.213 [info] <0.170.0>@rtb_config:prep_option:402 Arrival rate is 10.0 conn/sec 2020-03-10 14:54:22.261 [info] <0.170.0>@rtb_config:check_files_limit:244 Maximum available files from ulimit: 1024 2020-03-10 14:54:22.261 [info] <0.170.0>@rtb_config:check_files_limit:245 Maximum available files from fs.file-max: 394157 2020-03-10 14:54:22.261 [info] <0.170.0>@rtb_config:check_files_limit:246 Maximum available files from fs.nr_open: 1048576 2020-03-10 14:54:22.261 [info] <0.170.0>@rtb_config:check_process_limit:258 Maximum available Erlang processes: 65536 2020-03-10 14:54:22.261 [info] <0.170.0>@rtb_config:check_port_limit:271 Maximum available Erlang ports: 65536 2020-03-10 14:54:22.354 [info] <0.169.0>@rtb_http:start_link:37 Accepting HTTP connections on port 8080 2020-03-10 14:54:22.414 [critical] <0.186.0>@rtb:halt:123 Benchmark failure: Authentication failure: Not authorized

(2)below is the rtb.yml
`### Mandatory options: common for all scenarios
scenario: mqtt
interval: 100
capacity: 10

Mandatory options for MQTT scenario

client_id: rtb%

  • tcp://

Optional authentication

username: user%
password: pass%

An HTTP port for the statistics web interface

www_port: 8080

Local Variables:

mode: yaml


vim: set filetype=yaml tabstop=8


That's not the server log.

The server is VerneMQ. Now I disables authentication of the clients.
So rtb can connect to the server.

Thank you.