proabiral / inception

A highly configurable Framework for easy automated web scanning

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Question about statusCode handling in beta branch

geeknik opened this issue · comments

Is it currently possible to define more than one statusCode per provider? Say I want to get an alert if there is a 200, 301, 302, but no alerts for 404. If not, could this feature be added in a future release? Thank you.

Hi @geeknik ,

You can now filter response with any of multiple status code provided.

Check out beta branch.

You need to create provider.json with status Codes that you want to get alert. Use providerCreate.html from the beta branch to generate it.

Let me know if there are any issues.

Since statusCode is slice, you will need to provide it in square bracket as
"statusCode": [ 200 ],

or as below for multiple entry :

"statusCode": [ 200, 400 ],