prizmspace / PrizmCore

Prizm Cybernetic Core

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Change user folder

raduradu81 opened this issue · comments

How can i change user folder data for download blockchain?

Hello! only in the configurator, but we do not recommend changing to another section, Prizm Core works well even with normal unpacking.

if you are using Linux, then the folder or disk can be anything.
For windows-
To transfer the database to another hard drive, it is enough:

  1. Turn off the node if it is running. (Not a computer, just a node)
  2. MOVE the prizm_db folder with the database to another drive, in my case it is the D:\ drive (EXACTLY MOVE AND NOT COPY!!! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! If you copy it, the connection to the folder cannot be created.)
  3. Open Windows Command Prompt
  4. Enter the following command mklink / J "path to the folder shortcut with the base" "path to the folder with the base"
    In my case, I typed mklink /J "C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Prizm\prizm_db" "D:\prizm_db". If the command is successful, then in response you will see the following message Connection created for C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Prizm\prizm_db <<===>> D:\prizm_db. This command will create a hard shortcut (connection) named prizm_db in the C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Prizm folder to the D:\prizm_db folder. In Linux parlance, this is called a mount. This is very convenient and is often used in Linux. Before running the node, be sure to go to C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Prizm and make sure the prizm_db shortcut has been created. Go to this shortcut and make sure that you see all the files and folders that are on the D:\ drive, while the path C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Prizm will be written in the address bar. Otherwise, the node will create all the default configs and start downloading the database using a new one.
  5. Press Enter
  6. Run the node and enjoy life.
    P.S. I advise the team to take note. This folder mount trick doesn't just work with a node. And in principle with any program. If you turn on fantasy, it can make life very much easier.