privatenumber / vue-frag

🤲 Create Fragments (multiple root-elements) in Vue 2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Not SSR compatible

mrleblanc101 opened this issue · comments

Is there a way to make this work with Nuxt SSR ?
Maybe this is expected as this hack the v-dom, but currently I get :

vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:619 [Vue warn]: The client-side rendered virtual DOM tree is not matching server-rendered content. This is likely caused by incorrect HTML markup, for example nesting block-level elements inside <p>, or missing <tbody>. Bailing hydration and performing full client-side render.

Can you provide a link to a reproduction repository to demonstrate the problem?

Yeah, maybe tomorrow

Closing till reproduction is provided