privatenumber / vue-frag

šŸ¤² Create Fragments (multiple root-elements) in Vue 2

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IE11 issues

Moghul opened this issue Ā· comments

By default when I load a page using this directive in IE11 I get the error

Error in directive frag inserted hook: "TypeError: Unable to get property 'apply' of undefined or null reference"

This is pretty simple to fix by adding a polyfill for ParentElement.append and one for ChildElement.replaceWith.

The problem is that after I add the polyfill, I run into another issue altogether:

Error in directive frag inserted hook: "Error: Out of stack space"

It's pretty difficult to debug for me as the stack trace just looks like

Any ideas on what the issue is or what the solution is?

Sorry, I haven't had access to IE11 but I can look into testing it later.

Can you provide reproduction steps?

From your report, I don't know what code you used to produce the error or the polyfill you used.

The polyfills I tried are from here
And the code is fairly simple. In the template, I have a div with v-frag on it, and inside that div I have multiple elements like

I think it should be pretty easy to get access to IE11 if you get one of these vms

Thought about this some more, and I'm not sure if I can justify spending my time to add IE11 support. IE11 support is being deprecated everywhere.

PR welcome if you want to give it a shot.

Happy to reconsider if this package gains more popularity & adoption (GH stars/npm downloads).

Damn. That's really unfortunate. Thanks for the honesty, though.