privatenumber / cli-simple-table

Simple CLI table for simple people

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

1.1.0 breaks require() usage

BigBlueHat opened this issue · comments

Looks like the build process changes between 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 broke the ability to use this as a Common JS module. Here's what I get post upgrade:

TypeError: SimpleTable is not a constructor

or sometimes

Cannot find module 'cli-simple-table'

or from eslint

import/no-unresolved: Unable to resolve path to module 'cli-simple-table'.

NPM: 6.14.13
Node: v14.17.3

Thanks for reporting! Hope v1.1.1 resolves it

I believe the ESLint warning is because the import plugin (maybe the version you're using), doesn't support export maps