Vigneshwar02 / Turn-based-rpg-battle

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Turn based rpg

A simple Turn based rpg style game made from basic html, css and JavaScript to practice some fundamentals.

  • Attack button, is used to attack the boss.
  • Ult button, is used to unleash a high damaging attack and restore some HP. Requires certain amount of TP (>=70) to activate.
  • Buff button, is used to buff damage from both attack and ult. Consumes SP and lasts for 3 turns.
  • Heal button, is used to heal users HP by a certain amount, consumes SP on use. link to deployment



Language:HTML 36.6%Language:JavaScript 35.6%Language:CSS 27.8%