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Link resolver params

azappa opened this issue · comments

I made a prismic repo with blog posts in two languages (EN, IT) so i duplicate fields like

"IT" : {
  "title-IT" : {
    "type" : "StructuredText",
    "config" : {
      "single" : "heading1",
"EN" : {
  "title-EN" : {
    "type" : "StructuredText",
    "config" : {
      "single" : "heading1",

and using i18n-2 for routing passing a variable as language parameter.
In my pug templates for posts how can i redirect linked posts to correct lang? At the moment I have something like this:


My prismic.configuration.js got this fn as linkResolver

  linkResolver: (doc) => {
    if (doc.isBroken) { return false; }
    if (doc.type === 'articolo') { return `/${doc.tags[0]}/${doc.uid}/${}`; }

    return `/${doc.slug}/${}`;

I know I can access to doc and ctx as parameters but I cannot pass other ones.
Is there a way in route get fn where I can set into ctx a variable so I can use that value in my linkResolver fn?

Got working, it not so a clean method but I can't do in other way...

In my pug template:

div.block-text!=slice.value.asHtml(ctx.linkResolver, (e, c) => { if (e.type === 'hyperlink') { return `<a href="/${(currentLang || defaultLang)}${e.url}">${c}</a>`; } return null; })

'Cleaner' methods are welcome!

@azappa You could simply have configured an HtmlSerializer somewhere and just put it in your prismicContext just like in this project :