prism4time / Tetris

a simple WIP tetris game

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple tetris game built with electron

How to use

  • To install & start use the following commands in your terminal in the directory
npm install

and to start the app,use

npm start
  • Further Development
    • modify the 'package.json' to add more dependencies and use 'npm install' to update your local repository.
    • modify the 'scripts' part in 'package.json' to let it support more commands.
    • uncomment win.webContents.openDevTools() in main.js for debugging
  • TODO
    • basic tetris
    • simple control panel
    • shift between different difficulty levels
    • see history scores

Main pitfalls

  • some improper names for functions and variables
  • code not structured well
  • not so good CSS(in fact I do not learn how to write good CSS file at first and copied some from the given exmample in Electron's doc)
  • some uncaught exception which will not show if you do not open dev tools
  • bad encapsulation for data structure and data process, not easy to refactor and read later
  • bad function signatures

Just not going to devote too much time on this app, it is just a try for me to experience desktop app developing in electron, however there seems to be better solutions now for desktop app developing which based on nodejs. These pitfalls listed above may not be fixed in the future.

But I may add some new features to make it somewhat more analogous to a normal tetris game....

Most of all, I have recently came across something more fun than developing some normal apps.


playing pic


a simple WIP tetris game

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 65.0%Language:CSS 24.4%Language:HTML 10.7%