princeton-nlp / LM-BFF

[ACL 2021] LM-BFF: Better Few-shot Fine-tuning of Language Models

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cannot import name 'default_hp_search_backend' from 'transformers.integrations'

schramm12 opened this issue · comments

Now, by trying the command TAG=exp TYPE=prompt-demo TASK=SST-2 BS=2 LR=1e-5 SEED=42 MODEL=roberta-large bash which is in the README I got this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/LM-BFF/", line 23, in
from src.trainer import Trainer
File "/LM-BFF/src/", line 43, in
from transformers.integrations import (
ImportError: cannot import name 'default_hp_search_backend' from 'transformers.integrations' (/LM-BFF/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/transformers/integrations/
I've already found that it has been a problem in another project but I don't know how to fix it.


You might be using an incompatible version of transformers. Can you try using the one stated in the readme?

When attempting to install your requirements, I encountered an error related to the NumPy version. Then, when I tried to install the requirements by specifying only the version of Transformers, I received the following error message: "ERROR: Failed building wheel for tokenizers.
ERROR: Failed building wheel for tokenizers

you might need to use a lower python version, like 3.6

Thanks, now it works!