Prince-GH / Node.js-Roadmap

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📚 Node.js Syllabus

Topic Description Link
Introduction to Node.js Introduction to Node.js Link
Node.js Basics Installation, REPL, Modules Link
Node.js Core Modules fs, http, path, events Link
npm (Node Package Manager) Package management Link
Asynchronous Programming in Node.js Callbacks, Promises, Async/Await Link
Express.js Framework Routing, Middleware, Templating engines Link
Creating RESTful APIs with Express.js REST principles, Middleware for auth, Validation middleware Link
Working with Databases Connecting to databases, ORM, Migrations, Seeding Link
Authentication and Authorization Passport.js, JWT Link
Testing Node.js Applications Mocha, Chai, Sinon, SuperTest Link
Logging and Monitoring Logging libraries, APM tools Link
Asynchronous Patterns Event Emitters Link
Streams Readable, Writable, Transform, Piping Link
Middleware Development Custom middleware, Error handling middleware, Third-party middleware Link
Debugging Node.js Applications Using debugger statement, Chrome DevTools, Profiling Link
Scaling Node.js Applications Load balancing, Microservices, Caching Link
Security Best Practices OWASP Top 10, Input validation, XSS prevention Link
Real-time Applications with Socket.IO WebSocket protocol, Broadcasting events Link
Dockerizing Node.js Applications Containerization basics, Docker-compose, Optimizing builds Link
Serverless Architectures with Node.js AWS Lambda functions, Serverless framework, Event-driven architecture Link
GraphQL with Node.js Schema definition, Resolvers, Apollo Server Link
CI/CD Pipelines for Node.js Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Deployment (CD), Deployment pipelines Link
Authentication with OAuth2 OAuth2 protocol, Implementing OAuth2 in Node.js, OAuth2 providers Link
Full-Text Search with Elasticsearch Introduction to Elasticsearch, Setup in Node.js, Indexing and searching documents Link
Server-side Rendering (SSR) with Next.js Introduction to Next.js, SSR configuration, SEO optimization Link
