priestjim / gen_rpc

A scalable RPC library for Erlang-VM based languages

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try ... cacth never handle erlang:kill

NOMORECOFFEE opened this issue · comments

For example gen_rpc:call(<not_local_node>, timer, kill_after, [0])

I'm ok with that, that's not being handled by rpc:call either!

It isn't right. rpc:call return {badrpc,{'EXIT',killed}}

This requires some pretty steep changes to deal with, including keeping track of workers, which creates garbage in the acceptor state and extra messages. Do you believe it's worth it?

Hi. If we don't set call_receive_timeout into infintity, then everything will be fine.

Or we can use another middleman process here and don't touch the acceptor state.

@priestjim I wanted to warn only about spawn_link/kill.

This is a real issue but affects very few of real world cases (making RPC calls on functions that use messages and self() such as timer:kill_after). I am thinking about making a special "call" case with receive timeout infinity and handle it with a middleman process or with trapping exits but that will render reply inconsistencies (call with infinity will return killed, call with timeout will return timeout)