priestjim / gen_rpc

A scalable RPC library for Erlang-VM based languages

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SSL Support

priestjim opened this issue · comments

Enable SSL support on the receiver side and provide application configuration options to allow fine-grained security.

Attention must be paid to:

  • Connection handling and failures (timeouts, connection drops) with respect to the underlying SSL implementation
  • Efficiency of operation

+1 :)

This would be extremely helpful in Erlang distributed scenarios over WAN. I'm currently looking for such a solution. Is anything in the works (this issue is over 1 year ago)?

Yes! Check the refactor branch, I'm almost done implementing the SSL driver

Oh nice! Will wait until it gets merged in then :)

what does it miss as of today? do you need any help?

@benoitc not much, life caught up, I'm finishing up the SSL implementation today. I wanted to implement #62 before releasing a new major version but I'll just release SSL + the refactor as 1.5 and then 2.0 with #62 implemented. Thanks for offering :)