previtus / interactive-art-resources

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Art and Machine Learning (with some new media thrown in)

These are resources and tutorials for anyone interested in using machine learning for creative uses. Whether you are an artist looking to augment your practice with machine learning or a ML engineer/researcher wanting to make creative applications.

Courses (loosely defined)

Creative Coding Tools

Here is a list of some common creative coding libraries (not including machine learning specific libraries).

if you do not know where to start/what to use, I would recommend using (Processing in Python) or p5.js

Machine Learning Tools (for making art)

General purpose frameworks/libraries

Google Colab Examples/Documentation

Semi-official Google Contributed

Interactive ML Embedding Examples

Here are some fun interactive embedding visualizations from Google's AI Experiments, hopefully they also give some intuition about high dimensional spaces and what embedding does to them:

Generative, Procedural, and Algorithmic Art Tutorials

Here are some examples/tutorials on creating generative, procedural, or algorithmic art/designs using code.


A non-exhaustive list of people doing interesting things at the intersection of art, ML, and design.

