prestodb / presto-go-client

A Presto client for the Go programming language.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Presto Query got Empty Result

flyfy1 opened this issue · comments

Example Code:

	prestoConfig := presto.Config{
		PrestoURI:          "https://username:password@datagateway.url:443",
		Source:             "",
		Catalog:            "hive",
		Schema:             "public",
		SessionProperties:  nil,
		CustomClientName:   "",
		KerberosEnabled:    "",
		KerberosKeytabPath: "",
		KerberosPrincipal:  "",
		KerberosRealm:      "",
		KerberosConfigPath: "",
		SSLCertPath:        "/tmp/certs/datagateway_cert.pem",
	dsn, err := prestoConfig.FormatDSN()

	fmt.Println("Going to call with DSN: ", dsn)
	db, err := sql.Open("presto", dsn)

	ctx := context.Background()
	conn, err := db.Conn(ctx)

	groupID := 129565
	rows, err := conn.QueryContext(ctx, "SELECT driver_id, updated_at FROM public.driver_groups_drivers WHERE driver_group_id = " + strconv.Itoa(groupID) + " AND deleted_at IS NULL")

	result := make([]int64, 0, 1000)
	for rows.NextResultSet() {
		fmt.Println("Got next result set")
		for rows.Next() {
			fmt.Println("Loading record...")
			var daxID int64
			var updatedAt time.Time
			rows.Scan(&daxID, &updatedAt)
			result = append(result, daxID)

	err = rows.Close()

	fmt.Println("Results: ", result)

What I Get

Empty Result

What I Expect

the query result with data

Closing this issue because I found that it's due to implementation of our own presto server -- it's not responding 503 when the result isn't ready yet