presslabs / autover

AutoVer plugin will automatically version your CSS and JS files in the generated html page (e.g. style.css?ver=1359464809).

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[feature] Avoid versioning remote libraries

cristianuibar opened this issue · comments

As requested on


I’ve noticed that the plugin doesn’t remove the (wordpress default?) ?ver=4.9.6 from remote urls, like Google Fonts, jQuery, and so on.

I think that’s because it doesn’t find anything local to get filemtime for, so it throws up hands and returns without changing the src.

It’s possible that without this ?ver= param, loading from a canonical source, a viewer browser could have some libraries already in cache from another site. a mild perf boost.

Adding the following line to the top of the autover_version_filter function fixes this behavior, so that if it can’t find the file locally, it gets no ?ver= param at all.

	$src = remove_query_arg( 'ver', $src );
Arguably a defect in wp core, not autover, but seems like a nice opportunity to make this plugin even better…
