preservim / vim-pencil

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unable to indent beginning of paragraph

rebelot opened this issue · comments

Yeah... that's it. awesome, until I realized I have to toggle Pencil off, indent paragraph and not touch it with pencil on ever again or it will indent the whole block.

Perhaps I am missing something, but the core functionality of this plugin is also preventing something very common such as paragraphs first line indentation.

of course w/ softwrap this behavior is understandable, since what I see as many lines are in fact a single long wrapped line, and indenting it as a block is fair. This makes no sense although with hard wraps set, since every line is a damn standalone line and I wish I was able to modify the beginning of a line with spaces without seeing all the lines after it becoming indented..

EDIT: allow me to rephrase
how do I retain this plugin auto formatting functionality with the possibility of adding white spaces at the beginning of a paragraph without indenting the following "hard-wrapped" lines?

EEDIT: your plugin is awesome, I had issues figuring out the problem was the autoindent option...

Hey, @rebelot how'd you get that working, anyhow?

I'm also not able to have indented first lines of a paragraph. I've tried setting each of these in turn but have had no luck:

:setlocal noautoindent
:setlocal nocindent
:setlocal nosmartindent
:setlocal indentexpr=

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I'm having the same issue as the last two comments and have had no luck using correcting it using the autoindent option.

EDIT: For anyone still looking for a solution I've had success with
:set nobreakindent

This allows for first line indents in softwrapped text while in vim-pencil.

@wpwilber Is that the solution or is that a hack? Is that setting something vim-pencil should be enabling internally all the time do you think?

For my use the only inconvenience was in determining which setting was causing the unwanted formatting, since the breakindent option doesn't seem to be commonly used. If a list of formatting options enabled by vim-pencil was listed somewhere obvious it might have saved me some frustration.

If anyone finds this while trying to configure vim-pencil to allow first line indents with soft wrapped text, you need to set noautoindent as well as nobreakindent together each time pencil starts for best results. I put a function in my .vimrc that starts pencil and sets both options when I enter Goyo.

function! s:goyo_enter()
    set nobreakindent
    set noautoindent

function! s:goyo_leave()

autocmd! User GoyoEnter nested call <SID>goyo_enter()
autocmd! User GoyoLeave nested call <SID>goyo_leave()

Might be useful to someone.