premyshan / BCB430

target library from DIA aquisition using DIA-Umpire and use target-decoy approach to estimate the FDR. This project also provides different ways to construct decoy library .

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • download files and patial data: git fork
  • change file name and file path as needed in main and body function for all files as needed. Only has use file path in the function body to check if a file exist.
  • most of the files are parsers, script files not in passatuto and sirius might need to change file path.
  • Passatuto2 and SIRIUS4 are in two docker containers

Data files

  • Target Library file: DDA_consensus_library_pos.tsv
  • DDA_decoy_library_reroot.txt: transition file for reroot method
  • DDA_decoy_library.txt: transition file for conditional peak method
  • decoy_library_reroot.tsv: decoy library for reroot method
  • conditionalPeak_library_decoy.tsv: decoy library for conditional peak method

Data file of passatuto2

  • contain all zip data files that is used for or outputed from passatuto2
  • txt file for sirius:Passatuto2/fragmentationTree
  • .Dot files from SIRUS:Passatuto2/tree_dot
  • parsed .Dot files from .Dot file for Passatuto: Passatuto2/TreeDir
  • source data from Passatuto2: Passatuto2/Data
  • parsed .ms file for RandomPeaks and conditionalPeak method: Passatuto2/data2
  • output data from reroot method from passatuto: Passatuto2/output_reroot
  • output data from conditional peak method from passatuto2: Passatuto2/output_conditionalPeak
  • dockerfile: a copy of docker file for building the docker image

tools using (softwares are not included in the github):

SIRIUS:a tool that construct a fragmentation tree, to run sirius

Passatuto2: a tool that construct decoy library using 4 methods,RandomPeaks, conditionalPeak, reroot, and Empirical-Bayes-

e.g. java -cp "lib/passatutto.jar:lib/json-1.0.jar:lib/commons-math3-3.4.1.jar:lib/trove4j-3.0.3.jar" DecoyDatabaseConstruction -target /data2 -out /outputRandom -method RandomPeaks -ppm 10 -ae 2

script directoy: a script from Prof. Hannes Rost that convert decoy library. command and output from Prof. Hannes Rost for running the OpenSwath and pyprophet a bash script to run sirius. Note: it must in sirius/bin/ directory to work. the github version is just a copy. to run this file: cd sirius/bin/ then ./ a parser script that has many parsers

  • goal:parse mass spectrometry library file (e.g.DDA_consensus_library_pos.tsv) to ms file for sirius and passatuto for RandomPeaks and conditionalPeak method and parse file from .dot to older version of SIRIUS .dot for reroot method.

  • function:

1.parseLibMs:parse mass spectrometry library file e.g.DDA_consensus_library_pos.tsv passatuto for RandomPeaks and conditionalPeak method.

  • Need: mass spectrometry library file
  • input: a line of the library file which contain infomation about molecule, that must contain: compound name, formula,parentmass
  • output: a ms file of such molecule

2.parseLibMsSirius:parse library file (e.g. DDA_consensus_library_pos.tsv) to ms file for sirius

  • input: a line of the library file which contain infomation about molecule, that must contain: compound name, formula,parentmass
  • output: a ms file of such molecule that contain only the parentmass and the intensity

3.formatSirius: parse file from .dot to older version of SIRIUS .dot for reroot method

  • input:a path to the dot file
  • output: a dot file in a older verison of SIRIUS dot file. parse to the format that can recognize. Must run this before a decoy transition library file. Need to concatenate with target library to work for Pyprophet and OpenSwath for all decoy libraries after running this function.

  • e.g. cat conditionalPeak_library_reroot.tsv ../DDA_consensus_library_pos.tsv >> conditionalPead_decoy.tsv .replace the file path as you need for all decoy library

insturction/work flow:

Passatuto2 example command: java -cp "lib/passatutto.jar:lib/json-1.0.jar:lib/commons-math3-3.4.1.jar:lib/trove4j-3.0.3.jar" DecoyDatabaseConstruction -target /data2 -out /outputRandom -method RandomPeaks -ppm 10 -ae 2 SIRIUS4 example command: sirius -f C20H19NO5 -2 demo-data/txt/chelidonine_msms2.txt demo-data/txt/chelidonine_msms2.txt SIRIUS4 example script:

random/conditional peak: Library file(DDA_consensus_library_pos.tsv)->ms file(Passatuto2/data2) ->run passatuto2 -> output file (output_conditionalPeak) reroot method: Library file(DDA_consensus_library_pos.tsv) -> txt file(Passatuto2/fragmentationTree) -> SIRIUS4 (output file:Passatuto2/tree_dot) --> parse dot file format(using formatSirius funtion of; output file:Passatuto2/TreeDir) -> output file( Passatuto2/output_reroot)

example fragmentation tree .dot file format

strict digraph {
v1 [label="C57H87O3\n819.6650 Da, 0.00 %\ncE: [10]\nScore: 1.0000"];
v2 [label="C6H13O3\n133.0863 Da, 72.59 %\ncE: [10]\nScore: -7.1438"];
v3 [label="C4H9O2\n89.0593 Da, 100.00 %\ncE: [10]\nScore: 14.4395"];
v4 [label="C6H13\n85.1005 Da, 29.18 %\ncE: [10]\nScore: 6.0633"];
v5 [label="C2H5O\n45.0334 Da, 41.80 %\ncE: [10]\nScore: 6.3635"];

v1 -> v2 [label="C51H74"];
v3 -> v5 [label="C2H4O"];



ref tutorial:


To start:

docker build -t passatuto .

docker run -t passatuto /TreeDir /output_reroot Reroot

To stop/remove container:

docker stop passatuto-container

docker rm passatuto-container

Use docker (not deploy yet not test yet)

docker run -t passatuto /TreeDir /output_reroot Reroot


home dir: /home/yangyu35/projects/def-hroest/yangyu35/

  • a template file for running openswath
  • file for running openswath
  • file for running pyprophet
  • directory:
  • conditionalPeakDecoy: conditional peak data for openswath(libraryConditionalPeak) and pyprophet output(pypro_output/)
  • decoy_rt:openswath data and pyprophet output(pypro_output/) for random transition decoy library.
  • decoy_50s: openswath data and pyprophet output(pypro_output/) for random retention time shift decoy library.
  • decoy_randMZ:openswath data and pyprophet output(pypro_output/) for random m/z decoy library.
  • decoy_ranSwath: openswath data and pyprophet output(pypro_output/) for a decoy library with 35m/z added to the precusor.
  • decoy_rerootL: openswath data and pyprophet output(pypro_output/) for a decoy library with fragmentation tree method.


target library from DIA aquisition using DIA-Umpire and use target-decoy approach to estimate the FDR. This project also provides different ways to construct decoy library .


Language:Python 61.7%Language:Shell 38.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%