premake / premake-core


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Build premake-core from source failed

ccwanggl opened this issue · comments

What seems to be the problem?

premake.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol registerModules referenced in function premake_init
premake.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol builtin_scripts

What have you tried so far?
I use the premake5.0.0-beta2 to create the Premake5 solution, and then use the visual studio 2022 to build it, then it happens the link error as above.

  • Visual Studio 2022 (vs2022)
  • Visual Studio 2019 (vs2019)
  • Visual Studio 2017 (vs2017)
  • Visual Studio 2015 (vs2015)
  • Visual Studio 2012 (vs2012)
  • Visual Studio 2010 (vs2010)
  • Visual Studio 2008 (vs2008)
  • Visual Studio 2005 (vs2005)
  • GNU Makefile (gmake)
  • GNU Makefile 2 (gmake2)
  • XCode (xcode)
  • Codelite
  • Other (Please list below)

What version of Premake are you using?
premake5 (Premake Build Script Generator) 5.0.0-beta2

Please run premake5 embed before generating the project, then try building again. registerModules and builtin_scripts come from a file generated by the embed action.
