precice / fenics-adapter

preCICE-adapter for the open source computing platform FEniCS

Repository from Github https://github.comprecice/fenics-adapterRepository from Github https://github.comprecice/fenics-adapter

Support FEniCSx

BenjaminRodenberg opened this issue · comments

A long range goal of this adapter is to also support FEniCSx. Since FEniCSx has many API changes, we are planning to develop the fenicsx-adapter on a fork of this adapter. Development takes place in It is currently a private repository, because it is not working yet. Making the repository public is planned as soon as the partitioned heat conduction case is working.

In case you want to get access: Please just comment here. Contributions are always welcome!

Closing this issue, because the development of the fenicsx-adapter happens in another repository.