prebuild / prebuild

A command line tool for easily doing prebuilds for multiple version of node on a specific platform

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[bug] node-gyp configure.js within Prebuild tries overwriting cflags read only properties.

Clearmist opened this issue · comments

Hello! I am trying to build prebuilt binaries. I've come up against this block and would like to know if there's something simple I'm missing.

prebuild: latest
node: 20.3.1

When running prebuild --runtime napi --all --strip --verbose the following error is reported.

    defaults.cflags = []

TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'cflags' of object '#<Object>'
    at createConfigFile (D:\test\node_modules\prebuild\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\configure.js:118:21)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:77:11)

Node.js v20.3.

The source file configure.js includes this code:

// don't inherit the "defaults" from node's `process.config` object.
// doing so could cause problems in cases where the `node` executable was
// compiled on a different machine (with different lib/include paths) than
// the machine where the addon is being built to
defaults.cflags = []
defaults.defines = []
defaults.include_dirs = []
defaults.libraries = []

The properties it is overwriting come from the ProcessConfig interface located here: %Users%/AppData/Microsoft/Typescript/5.1/node_modules/@types/node/process.d.ts.

declare module 'process' {
    import * as tty from 'node:tty';
    import { Worker } from 'node:worker_threads';
    global {
        var process: NodeJS.Process;
        namespace NodeJS {
            interface ProcessConfig {
              readonly target_defaults: {
                  readonly cflags: any[];
                  readonly default_configuration: string;
                  readonly defines: string[];
                  readonly include_dirs: string[];
                  readonly libraries: string[];

can we upgrade to latest node-gyp ?

prebuild v12.0.0 upgrades node-gyp for Node.js 20 support.