prebuild / prebuild

A command line tool for easily doing prebuilds for multiple version of node on a specific platform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

.prebuildrc upload token ignored

bsrdjan opened this issue · comments

The upload token works from command line:

$ prebuild -v 
$ prebuild -r napi -u a36078672b2028a70b80f270dafc3266b610f829                                                              
prebuild info begin Prebuild version 9.1.0
prebuild info build Preparing to prebuild node-rfc@1.0.0-rc11 for napi 3 on darwin-x64 using node-gyp
prebuild info build prebuilds/node-rfc-v1.0.0-rc11-napi-v3-darwin-x64.tar.gz exists, skipping build
prebuild info build Uploading 1 prebuilds(s) to GitHub releases
prebuild info build Found 3 prebuild(s) on Github
prebuild info build -> node-rfc-v1.0.0-rc11-napi-v3-darwin-x64.tar.gz
prebuild info build -> node-rfc-v1.0.0-rc11-napi-v3-linux-x64.tar.gz
prebuild info build -> node-rfc-v1.0.0-rc11-napi-v3-win32-x64.tar.gz
prebuild info build Uploaded 0 new prebuild(s) to GitHub

but ignored from .prebuildrc:

$ cat .prebuildrc

$ prebuild -r napi -u                                                                                                           prebuild info begin Prebuild version 9.1.0
prebuild info build Preparing to prebuild node-rfc@1.0.0-rc11 for napi 3 on darwin-x64 using node-gyp
prebuild info build prebuilds/node-rfc-v1.0.0-rc11-napi-v3-darwin-x64.tar.gz exists, skipping build
prebuild info build Uploading 1 prebuilds(s) to GitHub releases
prebuild ERR! build Error: Error from GitHub: Bad credentials
prebuild ERR! build     at createError (/Users/d037732/src/NG-APPS/node-rfc/node_modules/ghutils/ghutils.js:36:10)
prebuild ERR! build     at responseHandler (/Users/d037732/src/NG-APPS/node-rfc/node_modules/ghutils/ghutils.js:26:23)
prebuild ERR! build     at [as _callback] (/Users/d037732/src/NG-APPS/node-rfc/node_modules/jsonist/jsonist.js:61:7)
prebuild ERR! build     at BufferList.end (/Users/d037732/src/NG-APPS/node-rfc/node_modules/bl/bl.js:113:10)
prebuild ERR! build     at DestroyableTransform.onend (/Users/d037732/src/NG-APPS/node-rfc/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js:523:10)
prebuild ERR! build     at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:286:20)
prebuild ERR! build     at DestroyableTransform.emit (events.js:203:15)
prebuild ERR! build     at /Users/d037732/src/NG-APPS/node-rfc/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js:965:16
prebuild ERR! build     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:61:11)

Is my configuration wrong or something else?

The problem there is that the -u in prebuild -r napi -u is short for --upload and thus overrides the rc value.

So prebuild -r napi should work in this case, but you should be aware that upload=.. in rc currently has a side effect: prebuild takes that as an upload command (i.e. even when you don't want to upload).

Would it make sense to have the token=xxx in rc instead of upload=xxx (as a new option eventually?), so than only token read from rc, without triggering uploads?

Yes, it would! It's been suggested before (#131 (comment)).

A PR is welcome. Not sure if we can do it without a breaking change.

As a new option (token=xxx), why not?

Right, as a new option would not be breaking 👍


I came into a situation that

with .prebuildrc has upload=<some-token>
And prebuild --upload-all , I want to upload all, according to doc

Then rc.upload = token & rc['upload-all'] = true
Then with this code


Lines 71 to 73 in edb81c4

if (rc['upload-all']) {
rc.upload = rc['upload-all']

token value is discard, and set to true.
Then cause



I think we should not mess commands & flags
What I thought

make upload / upload-all as sub commands would be great.

prebuild upload -t <token>
prebuild upload-all -t <token>

And the upload-all operation can not continue from previous abort, may caused by network

Expect behavior:
if exists, output a message, and skip it