prebuild / prebuild

A command line tool for easily doing prebuilds for multiple version of node on a specific platform

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error in evaluating "build_v8_with_gn" on node-gyp v3.4.0 for Node target v10.x

reconbot opened this issue · comments

This is related to #221 and nodejs/node-gyp#1457 but specifically it's a failure to build node 10 binaries on node 8 when using prebuild --all The workaround for node-gyp is to pass --build_v8_with_gn=false to node-gyp. There isn't a way as far as I can tell to pass that through prebuild.

I'd work around this issue by running prebuild --all on node 10 but I hit #221 when I do that. Fixing this issue here is my best bet.

I don't believe there is a problem if we always pass --build_v8_with_gn=false

@reconbot Oh, thanks a lot for spending time on this! Need me or someone else to fix this or are you up for making a PR?

I got a new baby at home so it might be a few days before I could take a crack at it

Congrats! 👶 🍼