prawnpdf / prawn-table

Provides support for tables in Prawn

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Problem with long texts and flowing

andre1810 opened this issue · comments

I´ve got a table with a text column.

In case of a (too) long text for one page the row will start two pages after and flow over the footer and truncated.

Is there an option to split the text and continue on the next page instead of an overflow and truncate?

Edit: The problem was faced before but not solved. prawnpdf/prawn#147

Best regards

Any updates on this issue? I am pulling my hair out over here :( ...

hey @practicingruby
Any success on fixing it?
Still getting this error with Rails '', prawn (1.3.0) and prawn-table (0.2.1).

hey @hbrandl
I saw you did some PRs to solve this problem.


Any success on it?

Any working solution for this issue ?

any update on this ?

Would also appreciate an update or a workaround suggestion.