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How to check if post contains video

eliich opened this issue · comments

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Hello i am trying to check if a post contains video, for logging purposes. Currently using something to do the same for photos

# Access the Reddit post using its post ID
post_id = '16uzdpd'  # Replace with the actual post ID
submission = reddit.submission(f'{post_id}')

# Function to download an image
def download_image(url):
    response = requests.get(url)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        filename = os.path.basename(url)
        with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
        print(f"Downloaded: {filename}")
        return True  # Return True if the image was downloaded
    return False  # Return False if the image was not downloaded

# Extract image URLs from the post's content
images_downloaded = False  # Initialize a flag to track if any images were downloaded

if submission.is_self:  # Check if the post is a self-post (text-only)
    print("This is a text-only post.")
    # Check for image links in the post's URL and body
    if submission.url.endswith(('.jpg', '.png', '.gif', '.jpeg')):
        if download_image(submission.url):
            images_downloaded = True

    elif submission.selftext_html and '<img src="' in submission.selftext_html:
        start_index = submission.selftext_html.find('<img src="') + len('<img src="')
        end_index = submission.selftext_html.find('"', start_index)
        image_url = submission.selftext_html[start_index:end_index]
        if download_image(image_url):
            images_downloaded = True

# Print the message only if images were downloaded
if images_downloaded:
    print("Downloaded images saved in the current working directory.")
    print("No images were downloaded.")

Describe alternatives you've considered

No response

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No response

I am going to use something like yt-dlp to download the mp4 but don't want to do that for every post as that is a lot of unnecessary usage(considering most posts wont have videos)

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