prateek951 / mern-authentification

Authentification boilerplate in MERN stack with password reset and email verification

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Update 28/04/2019 : Huge simplification of the project for better usability as a boilerplate.

Based on Create React App for the client.

MERN STACK Authentification with email verification

capture du 2018-12-16 13-57-42

Demo :

⚠️ CSS styles, Google Captcha, Sentry usage and some other not essential dependencies like notifications are only in the demo. This repositorie aim to have a fast to use boilerplate from now on.

‼️ Setup BackEnd first

Instructions on server & client folders.

Frontend and Backend run on 2 independent servers.

💻 Boilerplate

MERN Stack with advanced authentification :

Email verification (Token Based) with resend/reset option, Login with forgot password feature.

Server side sessions.



React/Redux based on Create React App,


Passport-js local,

Sendgrid API for emails,

Backend and Frontend need 2 separate deployment.


Authentification boilerplate in MERN stack with password reset and email verification


Language:JavaScript 91.9%Language:HTML 6.7%Language:CSS 1.4%