prasathmani / tinyfilemanager

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Config theme and font size [enhancement]

nerun opened this issue · comments

I know that i can change default theme in TFM 2.5.3 by editing line 4168.

lines 4165-9:

    var editor = ace.edit("editor");
    editor.getSession().setMode( {path:"ace/mode/<?php echo $ext; ?>", inline:true} );
    //editor.setTheme("ace/theme/twilight"); //Dark Theme
    editor.setShowPrintMargin(false); // Hide the vertical ruler

And to change default font size, edit line 4183:

    $themeEl.val( editor.getTheme() );
    $fontSizeEl.val(12).change(); //set default font size in drop down

PS.: change default font size do not render in the new size, but always in font 12. If you set to 18, ace will open in 12, but shows 18.

It works well, but would be better if there is a variable to change in config.php for both default theme and font size.

Thank you, @nerun, for your suggestion. We will take it into consideration for inclusion in a future release.