prasadkawthekar / deepchem

Deep-learning models for Drug Discovery and Quantum Chemistry

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DeepChem aims to provide a high quality open-source toolchain that democratizes the use of deep-learning in drug discovery, materials science, and quantum chemistry. DeepChem is a package developed by the Pande group at Stanford and originally created by Bharath Ramsundar.

Table of contents:



Installation from source is the only currently supported format. deepchem currently supports both Python 2.7 and Python 3.5, but is not supported on any OS'es except 64 bit linux. Please make sure you follow the directions below precisely. While you may already have system versions of some of these packages, there is no guarantee that deepchem will work with alternate versions than those specified below.

Full Anaconda distribution

  1. Download the 64-bit Python 2.7 or Python 3.5 versions of Anaconda for linux here.

    Follow the installation instructions

  2. openbabel

    conda install -c omnia openbabel=2.4.0
  3. rdkit

    conda install -c rdkit rdkit
  4. joblib

    conda install joblib 
  5. six

    pip install six
  6. mdtraj

    conda install -c omnia mdtraj
  7. tensorflow: Installing tensorflow on older versions of Linux (which have glibc < 2.17) can be very challenging. For these older Linux versions, contact your local sysadmin to work out a custom installation. If your version of Linux is recent, then the following command will work:

    pip install tensorflow-gpu==0.12.1
  8. deepchem: Clone the deepchem github repo:

    git clone

    cd into the deepchem directory and execute

    python install
  9. To run test suite, install nosetests:

    pip install nose

    Make sure that the correct version of nosetests is active by running

    which nosetests 

    You might need to uninstall a system install of nosetests if there is a conflict.

  10. If installation has been successful, all tests in test suite should pass:

    nosetests -v deepchem --nologcapture 

    Note that the full test-suite uses up a fair amount of memory. Try running tests for one submodule at a time if memory proves an issue.

Using a conda environment

Alternatively, you can install deepchem in a new conda environment using the conda commands in scripts/

bash scripts/ deepchem
pip install tensorflow-gpu==0.12.1                      # If you want GPU support
git clone      # Clone deepchem source code from GitHub
cd deepchem
python install                                 # Manual install
nosetests -v deepchem --nologcapture                    # Run tests

This creates a new conda environment deepchem and installs in it the dependencies that are needed. To access it, use the source activate deepchem command. Check this link for more information about the benefits and usage of conda environments. Warning: Segmentation faults can still happen via this installation procedure.


  1. Question: I'm seeing some failures in my test suite having to do with MKL Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load or

    Answer: This is a general issue with the newest version of scikit-learn enabling MKL by default. This doesn't play well with many linux systems. See BVLC/caffe#3884 for discussions. The following seems to fix the issue

    conda install nomkl numpy scipy scikit-learn numexpr
    conda remove mkl mkl-service
  2. Question: The test suite is core-dumping for me. What's up?

    [rbharath]$ nosetests -v deepchem --nologcapture
    Illegal instruction (core dumped)

    Answer: This is often due to openbabel issues on older linux systems. Open ipython and run the following

    In [1]: import openbabel as ob

    If you see a core-dump, then it's a sign there's an issue with your openbabel install. Try reinstalling openbabel from source for your machine.

Getting Started

The first step to getting started is looking at the examples in the examples/ directory. Try running some of these examples on your system and verify that the models train successfully. Afterwards, to apply deepchem to a new problem, try starting from one of the existing examples and modifying it step by step to work with your new use-case.

Input Formats

Accepted input formats for deepchem include csv, pkl.gz, and sdf files. For example, with a csv input, in order to build models, we expect the following columns to have entries for each row in the csv file.

  1. A column containing SMILES strings [1].
  2. A column containing an experimental measurement.
  3. (Optional) A column containing a unique compound identifier.

Here's an example of a potential input file.

Compound ID measured log solubility in mols per litre smiles
benzothiazole -1.5 c2ccc1scnc1c2

Here the "smiles" column contains the SMILES string, the "measured log solubility in mols per litre" contains the experimental measurement and "Compound ID" contains the unique compound identifier.

[2] Anderson, Eric, Gilman D. Veith, and David Weininger. "SMILES, a line notation and computerized interpreter for chemical structures." US Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory, 1987.

Data Featurization

Most machine learning algorithms require that input data form vectors. However, input data for drug-discovery datasets routinely come in the format of lists of molecules and associated experimental readouts. To transform lists of molecules into vectors, we need to subclasses of DeepChem loader class such as or Users can subclass to load arbitrary file formats. All loaders must be passed a dc.feat.Featurizer object. DeepChem provides a number of different subclasses of dc.feat.Featurizer for convenience.


  • Classification

Index splitting

Dataset Model Train score/ROC-AUC Valid score/ROC-AUC
tox21 logistic regression 0.903 0.705
Random Forest 0.999 0.733
IRV 0.811 0.767
Multitask network 0.856 0.763
robust MT-NN 0.857 0.767
graph convolution 0.872 0.798
muv logistic regression 0.963 0.766
Multitask network 0.904 0.764
robust MT-NN 0.934 0.781
graph convolution 0.840 0.823
pcba logistic regression 0.809 0.776
Multitask network 0.826 0.802
robust MT-NN 0.809 0.783
graph convolution 0.876 0.852
sider logistic regression 0.933 0.620
Random Forest 0.999 0.670
IRV 0.649 0.642
Multitask network 0.775 0.634
robust MT-NN 0.803 0.632
graph convolution 0.708 0.594
toxcast logistic regression 0.721 0.575
Multitask network 0.830 0.678
robust MT-NN 0.825 0.680
graph convolution 0.821 0.720
clintox logistic regression 0.967 0.676
Random Forest 0.995 0.776
IRV 0.763 0.814
Multitask network 0.934 0.830
robust MT-NN 0.949 0.827
graph convolution 0.946 0.860
hiv logistic regression 0.864 0.739
Random Forest 0.999 0.720
IRV 0.841 0.724
Multitask network 0.761 0.652
robust MT-NN 0.780 0.708
graph convolution 0.876 0.779

Random splitting

Dataset Model Train score/ROC-AUC Valid score/ROC-AUC
tox21 logistic regression 0.902 0.715
Random Forest 0.999 0.764
IRV 0.808 0.767
Multitask network 0.844 0.795
robust MT-NN 0.855 0.773
graph convolution 0.865 0.827
muv logistic regression 0.957 0.719
Multitask network 0.902 0.734
robust MT-NN 0.933 0.732
graph convolution 0.860 0.730
pcba logistic regression 0.808 0.776
Multitask network 0.811 0.778
robust MT-NN 0.811 0.771
graph convolution 0.872 0.844
sider logistic regression 0.929 0.656
Random Forest 0.999 0.665
IRV 0.648 0.596
Multitask network 0.777 0.655
robust MT-NN 0.804 0.630
graph convolution 0.705 0.618
toxcast logistic regression 0.725 0.586
Multitask network 0.836 0.684
robust MT-NN 0.822 0.681
graph convolution 0.820 0.717
clintox logistic regression 0.972 0.725
Random Forest 0.997 0.670
IRV 0.809 0.846
Multitask network 0.951 0.834
robust MT-NN 0.959 0.830
graph convolution 0.975 0.876
hiv logistic regression 0.860 0.806
Random Forest 0.999 0.850
IRV 0.839 0.809
Multitask network 0.742 0.715
robust MT-NN 0.753 0.727
graph convolution 0.847 0.803

Scaffold splitting

Dataset Model Train score/ROC-AUC Valid score/ROC-AUC
tox21 logistic regression 0.900 0.650
Random Forest 0.999 0.629
IRV 0.823 0.708
Multitask network 0.863 0.703
robust MT-NN 0.861 0.710
graph convolution 0.885 0.732
muv logistic regression 0.947 0.767
Multitask network 0.899 0.762
robust MT-NN 0.944 0.726
graph convolution 0.872 0.795
pcba logistic regression 0.810 0.742
Multitask network 0.814 0.760
robust MT-NN 0.812 0.756
graph convolution 0.874 0.817
sider logistic regression 0.926 0.592
Random Forest 0.999 0.619
IRV 0.639 0.599
Multitask network 0.776 0.557
robust MT-NN 0.797 0.560
graph convolution 0.722 0.583
toxcast logistic regression 0.716 0.492
Multitask network 0.828 0.617
robust MT-NN 0.830 0.614
graph convolution 0.832 0.638
clintox logistic regression 0.960 0.803
Random Forest 0.993 0.735
IRV 0.793 0.718
Multitask network 0.947 0.862
robust MT-NN 0.953 0.890
graph convolution 0.957 0.823
hiv logistic regression 0.858 0.798
Random Forest 0.946 0.562
IRV 0.847 0.811
Multitask network 0.775 0.765
robust MT-NN 0.785 0.748
graph convolution 0.867 0.769
  • Regression
Dataset Model Splitting Train score/R2 Valid score/R2
delaney Random Forest Index 0.953 0.626
NN regression Index 0.868 0.578
graphconv regression Index 0.967 0.790
Random Forest Random 0.951 0.684
NN regression Random 0.865 0.574
graphconv regression Random 0.964 0.782
Random Forest Scaffold 0.953 0.284
NN regression Scaffold 0.866 0.342
graphconv regression Scaffold 0.967 0.606
sampl Random Forest Index 0.968 0.736
NN regression Index 0.917 0.764
graphconv regression Index 0.982 0.864
Random Forest Random 0.967 0.752
NN regression Random 0.908 0.830
graphconv regression Random 0.987 0.868
Random Forest Scaffold 0.966 0.473
NN regression Scaffold 0.891 0.217
graphconv regression Scaffold 0.985 0.666
nci NN regression Index 0.171 0.062
graphconv regression Index 0.123 0.048
NN regression Random 0.168 0.085
graphconv regression Random 0.117 0.076
NN regression Scaffold 0.180 0.052
graphconv regression Scaffold 0.131 0.046
pdbbind(core) Random Forest Random 0.969 0.445
NN regression Random 0.973 0.494
pdbbind(refined) Random Forest Random 0.963 0.511
NN regression Random 0.987 0.503
pdbbind(full) Random Forest Random 0.965 0.493
NN regression Random 0.983 0.528
chembl MT-NN regression Index 0.443 0.427
MT-NN regression Random 0.464 0.434
MT-NN regression Scaffold 0.484 0.361
qm7 NN regression Index 0.997 0.986
NN regression Random 0.999 0.999
NN regression Stratified 0.999 0.999
qm7b MT-NN regression Index 0.931 0.803
MT-NN regression Random 0.923 0.884
MT-NN regression Stratified 0.934 0.884
kaggle MT-NN regression User-defined 0.748 0.452
Dataset Model Splitting Train score/MAE(kcal/mol) Valid score/MAE(kcal/mol)
qm7 NN regression Index 11.0 12.0
NN regression Random 7.12 7.53
NN regression Stratified 6.61 7.34
  • General features

Number of tasks and examples in the datasets

Dataset N(tasks) N(samples)
tox21 12 8014
muv 17 93127
pcba 128 439863
sider 27 1427
toxcast 617 8615
clintox 2 1491
hiv 1 41913
delaney 1 1128
sampl 1 643
kaggle 15 173065
nci 60 19127
pdbbind(core) 1 195
pdbbind(refined) 1 3706
pdbbind(full) 1 11908
chembl(5thresh) 691 23871
qm7 1 7165
qm7b 14 7211

Time needed for benchmark test(~20h in total)

Dataset Model Time(loading)/s Time(running)/s
tox21 logistic regression 30 60
Multitask network 30 60
robust MT-NN 30 90
random forest 30 6000
IRV 30 650
graph convolution 40 160
muv logistic regression 600 450
Multitask network 600 400
robust MT-NN 600 550
graph convolution 800 1800
pcba logistic regression 1800 10000
Multitask network 1800 9000
robust MT-NN 1800 14000
graph convolution 2200 14000
sider logistic regression 15 80
Multitask network 15 75
robust MT-NN 15 150
random forest 15 2200
IRV 15 150
graph convolution 20 50
toxcast logistic regression 80 2600
Multitask network 80 2300
robust MT-NN 80 4000
graph convolution 80 900
clintox logistic regression 15 10
Multitask network 15 20
robust MT-NN 15 30
random forest 15 200
IRV 15 10
graph convolution 20 130
hiv logistic regression 180 40
Multitask network 180 350
robust MT-NN 180 450
random forest 180 2800
IRV 180 200
graph convolution 180 1300
delaney MT-NN regression 10 40
graphconv regression 10 40
random forest 10 30
sampl MT-NN regression 10 30
graphconv regression 10 40
random forest 10 20
nci MT-NN regression 400 1200
graphconv regression 400 2500
pdbbind(core) MT-NN regression 0(featurized) 30
pdbbind(refined) MT-NN regression 0(featurized) 40
pdbbind(full) MT-NN regression 0(featurized) 60
chembl MT-NN regression 200 9000
qm7 MT-NN regression 10 400
qm7b MT-NN regression 10 600
kaggle MT-NN regression 2200 3200

Contributing to DeepChem

We actively encourage community contributions to DeepChem. The first place to start getting involved is by running our examples locally. Afterwards, we encourage contributors to give a shot to improving our documentation. While we take effort to provide good docs, there's plenty of room for improvement. All docs are hosted on Github, either in this file, or in the docs/ directory.

Once you've got a sense of how the package works, we encourage the use of Github issues to discuss more complex changes, raise requests for new features or propose changes to the global architecture of DeepChem. Once consensus is reached on the issue, please submit a PR with proposed modifications. All contributed code to DeepChem will be reviewed by a member of the DeepChem team, so please make sure your code style and documentation style match our guidelines!

Code Style Guidelines

DeepChem uses yapf to autoformat code. We created a git pre-commit hook to make this process easier.

cp devtools/travis-ci/pre-commit .git/hooks
pip install yapf==0.16.0

Documentation Style Guidelines

DeepChem uses NumPy style documentation. Please follow these conventions when documenting code, since we use Sphinx+Napoleon to automatically generate docs on


Join us on gitter at Probably the easiest place to ask simple questions or float requests for new features.

DeepChem Publications

  1. Computational Modeling of β-secretase 1 (BACE-1) Inhibitors using Ligand Based Approaches
  2. Low Data Drug Discovery with One-shot Learning

About Us

DeepChem is a package by the Pande group at Stanford. DeepChem was originally created by Bharath Ramsundar, and has grown through the contributions of a number of undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral researchers working with the Pande lab.


Deep-learning models for Drug Discovery and Quantum Chemistry



Language:Python 99.6%Language:Shell 0.4%