Prakruth / mobihelp-phonegap

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Mobihelp Plugin for Phonegap

This plugin integrates Freshdesk's SDK (Mobihelp) into a Phonegap/Cordova project. For platform specific details please refer to the Developer Documentation

Platforms supported :

  • Android
  • iOS

Integrating the Plugin :

  1. Add required platforms to your phonegap project
phonegap platform add android
phonegap platform add ios
  1. Add the mobihelp plugin to your project.
phonegap plugin add

Initializing the plugin

Mobihelp.init needs to be called from ondeviceready event listenter to make sure the SDK is initialized before use.

document.addEventListener("deviceready", function(){
    //Initialize Mobihelp
        appKey      : "sample-1-21aa74fbb63313e3bde3d48eb57a6d9e",
        appSecret   : "your_app_secret",
        domain      : ""

The following optional parameters can be passed to the init Object

  • androidAppStoreUrl
  • autoReplyEnabled ( default : false )
  • enhancedPrivacyModeEnabled ( default : false )
  • feedbackType ( default : window.Mobihelp.FeedbackTypes.NAME_AND_EMAIL_REQUIRED )
  • iosAppStoreId
  • iosThemeName ( default : window.Mobihelp.iosThemeNames.FDLightTheme )
  • launchCountForReviewPrompt ( default : 0 )
  • prefetchSolutions ( default : true )

Once initialized you can call mobihelp APIs using the window.Mobihelp object.

<a onclick="window.Mobihelp.showSupport()"> Support </a>

Mobihelp APIs

  • Mobihelp.showSupport()
    • Launch Support page with Solutions and Conversations
  • Mobihelp.showConversations()
    • Show Inbox of conversations
  • Mobihelp.showFeedback()
    • Launch a feedback screen
  • Mobihelp.showSolutions()
    • Launch only solutions
  • Mobihelp.getUnreadCount(callback)
    • Fetch cached count of unread messages from agents.
  • Mobihelp.getUnreadCountAsync(callback)
    • Fetch count of unread messages from agents.
  • Mobihelp.setUserEmail(userEmail)
    • Update user email
  • Mobihelp.setUserFullName(userName)
    • Update user name
  • Mobihelp.clearUserData()
    • Clear user data when users logs off your app.
  • Mobihelp.addCustomData(key,value[,isSensitive])
    • Add / Update Custom data value
  • Mobihelp.clearCustomData()
    • Clear all previously added Custom Data values
  • Mobihelp.leaveBreadCrumb(breadCrumbStr)
    • Drop a breabcrumb for tracking application activity
  • Mobihelp.clearBreadCrumbs()
    • Clear all previously collected breadcrumbs.

You can pass in a optional callback function to an API as the first parameter, which gets called when native API is completed. Eg.

window.Mobihelp.getUnreadCount(function(success,val) {
    //success indicates whether the API call was successful
    //val contains the no of unread messages


Android :
  • Needs appcompat-v7 : 18+
  • Needs support-v4 : 19+
  • MinSdkVersion must be atleast 10 (in config.xml)
  • Needs iOS 7 and above



Language:Objective-C 61.8%Language:Java 25.0%Language:JavaScript 13.2%