pragmatrix / Fluent.Extensions

Fluent.Extensions is a portable class library that implements extensions methods for collections and more

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Fluent.Extensions is a netstandard class library that supports programming against fluent interfaces. Its primary purpose is to ease the transition to a more fluent programming style as part of every AutoFluent package.


Fluent.Extensions can be installed separately via NuGet.


Generic collections extension methods

Fluent.Extensions contains all extension methods defined in the Collections.Fluent project that are used to modify generic collections inside a method chain. They are available as soon the namespace System.Collections.Generic is used.

General purpose methods

The following general purpose extension methods are defined in the global namespace, they are available as soon Fluent.Extensions is referenced by your project.


The Do() extension method can be inserted inside a method chain to call back into lambda expression or a method. The lambda expression is expected to have exactly one parameter that receives the current object of the method chain. Do() always returns the current object.

For example:

var x = 10;
1.Do(v => x += v)
 .Do(v => x += v*2);

Sets x to 13.


The Pipe(f) extension calls the function f with the current object of the method chain and continues with the function's result.

For example:

var x = 10.Pipe(a => a * a);

Sets x to 100.

AutoFluent specific extension methods

These are extension methods used by AutoFluent generated packages.


The DemoteSender() extension method forwards a call to an Action<> delegate with the first parameter set to the object type to an Action<> delegate with the concrete type of a class by casting the first argument. This is used to provide an event's sender as a concrete instance type to client code that handles the event. Instead of code generating each forwarding lambda, AutoFluent uses DemoteSender() to reduce the code size of the resulting AutoFluent class library.

License & Copyright

License: BSD

Copyright © 2016 Armin Sander


Fluent.Extensions is a portable class library that implements extensions methods for collections and more


Language:C# 89.5%Language:Makefile 10.5%