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NamespaceDoc support

eli-darkly opened this issue · comments

.NET itself doesn't (as far as I know) have a standard for attaching a documentation comment to a whole namespace, but for a long time the Sandcastle HTML documentation generator has supported doing this by declaring an internal-scoped class called NamespaceDoc in that namespace and putting the doc comment on that. FuGet doesn't seem to put any special significance on NamespaceDoc, but also, it doesn't seem to even parse the docs for that class correctly as a class: if you click on NamespaceDoc, it shows the <summary> text but not the <remarks>. This means developers may be missing quite a bit of documentation that the library maintainer wrote at the namespace level.

Yeah I didn't realize how important the remarks were. I will look into adding them in.

I'm a little confused about the NamespaceDoc. Can you point me to a URL?