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Broken/Dead Links: Implementing a Search Engine

skouzini opened this issue · comments

Expected Behavior

Clicking on the link should take you to a website with content.

Current Behavior

The links currently go to a page that says, "Error establishing a connection to Database"

Possible Solution

Remove or update the links. Preferably update, but remove to avoid confusion.

Steps to Reproduce

Click on any of the 3 links below the given heading.

Context [OPTIONAL]

I was interested in learning more about implementing a search engine, but the dead links make it so I have to turn elsewhere.

Hello, I would like to contribute to this. Please let me know. Thanks!

Hi, I would like to contribute. Do let me know if I can do something. Thanks!

@skouzini Hi, would like to work in this issue

Can I contribute in this issue

Hey @skouzini , I think I'm able to fix this issue, can you please assign it to me?

I want to contribute to this, has anyone been assigned?

I would like to contribute in this, please assign me with the bug

@enkeyz could you assign someone to this? I have no option to assign myself let alone anyone else, so I'm assuming its up to an admin/mod/whoever it is.

If this issue is not assigned to anyone yet, I would love to contribute to this issue!

I would like to contribute. I think I can fix it.

Hi, I would like to work on this but, I'm to open source contribution. so, will you guide me on this project to give my best.
some additional resources will be so helpful.

I dont think the maintainers are active

They are active. Feel free to open a PR anytime.

They are active. Feel free to open a PR anytime.

I opened a PR like months ago, no response

I don't see it.

EDIT: I closed yours, because it's a simple tutorial, not a project: #398

okay, I will look for projects and add more thanks for the heads up, I thought tutorials qualify.

Hey ! I am a beginner with open source and I want to contribute to this. Can someone please tell me where to find the code base in which we have to find the bug?

Go to the read me file, you can see projects with links,

Fork the repo first and make changes from your own version of the repo, after that you can then open a pull request to the origin repo

Can I fix this please

Based on the information you've provided, here's how you can address this issue:

Expected Behavior: Clicking on the link should take you to a website with content.

Current Behavior: The links currently go to a page that says, "Error establishing a connection to Database."

Possible Solution: Remove or update the links. Preferably update, but remove to avoid confusion.

Steps to Reproduce: Click on any of the 3 links below the given heading.

Context [OPTIONAL]: You were interested in learning more about implementing a search engine, but the dead links make it so you have to turn elsewhere.

To implement this solution, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Links: First, identify the specific links that are causing the issue. You may need access to the website's content management system (CMS) or source code to locate and modify these links.

  2. Update the Links (Preferable): If you have control over the content, update the links to point to the correct website or web page with the desired content. Ensure that the URLs are accurate and that the linked pages are accessible.

  3. Remove Dead Links (Alternative): If you are unable to update the links or if they are no longer relevant, it's better to remove them. This prevents users from encountering broken links and error messages, reducing confusion.

  4. Test the Links: After making changes, thoroughly test the links to ensure they now behave as expected, taking users to the relevant content.

  5. Document Changes: It's a good practice to document the changes you've made for future reference and to inform other team members.

  6. Monitor for Future Issues: Regularly check the website for broken links or other issues to ensure a smooth user experience.

By following these steps, you should be able to address the issue of links leading to an "Error establishing a connection to Database" and provide a better user experience for visitors interested in learning about implementing a search engine.