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`test_Sound_voiceActivity.praat` test fails with `runAllTests_batch.praat` random seed

YannickJadoul opened this issue · comments

Running test_Sound_voiceActivity.praat through dwtest/runAllTests_batch.praat fails:

yannick@Delphi:~$ praat6301_linux64/praat praat/dwtest/runAllTests_batch.praat 
Running all tests...
### executing ba-da-continuum.praat:
### executing test_Sound_paint_where.praat:
### executing test_Sound_to_Spectrum_resampled.praat:
test_Sound_to_Spectrum_resampled.praat OK
### executing test_Sound_voiceActivity.praat:
Error: Script assertion fails in line 7 (false):
   numberOfIntervals = 1
Script “/home/yannick/praat/dwtest/test_Sound_voiceActivity.praat” not completed.
Formula not run.
Script line 36 not performed or completed:
« runScript: file$ »
Script “/home/yannick/praat/dwtest/runAllTests_batch.praat” not completed.
Praat: script command <<praat/dwtest/runAllTests_batch.praat>> not completed.

Investigating further, it seems that by very unlucky accident, the random_initializeWithSeedUnsafelyButPredictably (5489) seed creates noise which is analyzed by To TextGrid (voice activity) to have a short sounding part, which results in 3 intervals rather than 1.

I understand this test is randomized, but it's kind of annoying that the batch of tests doesn't pass, especially since the seed is meant to make tests predictable/reproducible.

Yes, you are right. I have made the script reproducible.

Thanks! That was quickly resolved :-)