pqwy / notty

Declarative terminal graphics for OCaml

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Type error when building: Uchar.t / int clash

aBathologist opened this issue · comments

I'm attempting to track down the source of the problem, but thought it might be useful to make note of hurdle here.

I wonder if this is perhaps a package conflict, or conflict in version. I see there is a definition of module Uchar in notty.ml, and I wonder if this is perhaps coming in to conflict with with the module Uchar in the 4.04 std library. Or perhaps it is built with an older version of some package?


$ sw_vers
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.11.6
BuildVersion: 15G1217


# x @ y in ~/Programming/ocaml/consolate/notty on git:master o [3:57:57] C:1
$ ./pkg/pkg.ml build --with-lwt true --examples true --debug true -v -v
pkg.ml: [INFO] topkg v0.8.1, running main
pkg.ml: [EXEC] ['type' 'git' 1>'/dev/null' 2>'/dev/null']
pkg.ml: [INFO] Build configuration:
               pkg-name: notty
               build-dir: _build
               vcs: true
               pinned: false
               debug: true
               debugger-support: false
               profile: false
               with-unix: true
               with-lwt: true
               benchmarks: false
               examples: true
pkg.ml: [EXEC] ['ocamlfind' 'ocamlc' '-config' 1>'/var/folders/6y/fszsf5zj6vngmm7l_wrst7t00000gn/T/pkg.mlad2b95topkg']
pkg.ml: [EXEC] ['ocamlbuild' '-use-ocamlfind' '-classic-display' '-tag' 'debug' '-build-dir' '_build' '-plugin-tag' 'package(ocb-stubblr)' 'opam' 'pkg/META' 'CHANGES.md' 'LICENSE.md' 'README.md' 'src/notty.a' 'src/notty.cmxs' 'src/notty.cmxa' 'src/notty.cma' 'src/notty.cmx' 'src/notty.cmi' 'src/notty.mli' 'unix/notty_unix.a' 'unix/notty_unix.cmxs' 'unix/notty_unix.cmxa' 'unix/notty_unix.cma' 'unix/notty_unix.cmx' 'unix/notty_unix.cmi' 'unix/notty_unix.mli' 'lwt/notty_lwt.a' 'lwt/notty_lwt.cmxs' 'lwt/notty_lwt.cmxa' 'lwt/notty_lwt.cma' 'lwt/notty_lwt.cmx' 'lwt/notty_lwt.cmi' 'lwt/notty_lwt.mli' 'unix/dllnotty_unix_stubs.so' 'unix/libnotty_unix_stubs.a' 'examples/testpatterns.native' 'examples/letters.native' 'examples/keys.native' 'examples/colors.native' 'examples/sierpinski.native' 'examples/cuts.native' 'examples/thisbig.native' 'examples/runes.native' 'examples/crops.native' 'examples/mouse.native' 'examples/cursor.native' 'examples/sierpinski_lwt.native' 'examples/life.native' 'examples/linear.native']
ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package result -package uucp -package uuseg -package uutf -w A-4-33-40-41-42-43-34-44-48 -color always -I src -I unix -I lwt -o src/notty.cmx src/notty.ml
+ ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package result -package uucp -package uuseg -package uutf -w A-4-33-40-41-42-43-34-44-48 -color always -I src -I unix -I lwt -o src/notty.cmx src/notty.ml
File "src/notty.ml", line 154, characters 36-37:
Error: This expression has type Uchar.t
       but an expression was expected of type int
Command exited with code 2.
pkg.ml: [ERROR] cmd ['ocamlbuild' '-use-ocamlfind' '-classic-display' '-tag' 'debug'
     '-build-dir' '_build' '-plugin-tag' 'package(ocb-stubblr)' 'opam'
     'pkg/META' 'CHANGES.md' 'LICENSE.md' 'README.md' 'src/notty.a'
     'src/notty.cmxs' 'src/notty.cmxa' 'src/notty.cma' 'src/notty.cmx'
     'src/notty.cmi' 'src/notty.mli' 'unix/notty_unix.a'
     'unix/notty_unix.cmxs' 'unix/notty_unix.cmxa' 'unix/notty_unix.cma'
     'unix/notty_unix.cmx' 'unix/notty_unix.cmi' 'unix/notty_unix.mli'
     'lwt/notty_lwt.a' 'lwt/notty_lwt.cmxs' 'lwt/notty_lwt.cmxa'
     'lwt/notty_lwt.cma' 'lwt/notty_lwt.cmx' 'lwt/notty_lwt.cmi'
     'lwt/notty_lwt.mli' 'unix/dllnotty_unix_stubs.so'
     'unix/libnotty_unix_stubs.a' 'examples/testpatterns.native'
     'examples/letters.native' 'examples/keys.native'
     'examples/colors.native' 'examples/sierpinski.native'
     'examples/cuts.native' 'examples/thisbig.native' 'examples/runes.native'
     'examples/crops.native' 'examples/mouse.native' 'examples/cursor.native'
     'examples/sierpinski_lwt.native' 'examples/life.native'
     'examples/linear.native']: exited with 10

I think this is #11.

On #ocaml irc, @hannesm instructed me in this workaround to install off of: #11

opam pin add notty https://github.com/dbuenzli/notty.git#uchar

That worked.

I've really been enjoying working with is library (tho I've been it by pinning @dbuenzli's branch). Thanks for the great work!

It looks to me like some recent work may have gone towards addressing this issue in d0118de.

I wanted to offer my help, in case there is anything I can do to move this wonderful library over the Uchar hump (so it can avoid future problems like #11 (comment)). I'd be very happy to lend a hand if it would be useful (including for dong more boring stuff, like packaging or updating documentation). Let me know if I can be of any use.

Either way, thanks again :)


Thank you!

The Uchar hump has now been taken care of. Hopefully, changes in the core upstream API won't align with me being busy that soon again.

Time to treat yourself to a rainbow:
