ppwwyyxx / wechat-dump

Cracking encrypted wechat message history from android

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How to dump chat groups without display name?

yringot opened this issue · comments

Hello. I searched the issues but didn't come across a similar one.
I want to export my chats but several of them are groups chats without specific names, as in: they are just named after the group members.

dump-msg.py outputs:
Chat 49[CENSORED]@chatroom doesn't have a valid display name.

list-chats.py then gives this:

So I can't select that group chat through dump-html.py because I can't type in an empty name.

How to proceed?

  1. Can I somehow instruct dump-html.py to still render the group chat as HTML?
  2. Or can I change the name of the group chat somehow so that I can then tell dump-html.py to work on it?
    • post decryption of the database through some SQLite utility?
    • Or change the name inside Wechat before copying the messages to my PC?
  3. Are there any other possibilities?

Wechat version (mobile): 8.0.37
Wechat version (MEMu Emulator on PC): 8.0.47

Thank you in advance.

Okay. I found the answer myself. It is possible to pass either the name or the chatroom ID to the dump-html command and it works.