pplonski / my_ml_service

My Machine Learning Web Service

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sudo docker-compose up getting as no such file or directory please help..

ghousethanedar opened this issue · comments

ERROR: for wsgiserver Cannot start service wsgiserver: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "exec: "/app/docker/backend/wsgi-entrypoint.sh": stat /app/docker/backend/wsgi-entrypoint.sh: no such file or directory": unknown
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.


Although the file is present in there it is still showing as the no such file present error.


Two things:

  • are you 100% sure that file is present in specified path?
  • do you add execute rights to file chmod +x wsgi-entrypoint.sh ?

Firstly i would appreciate your effort to help,

And to answer your above questions

To Make sure the file is present i have place a run command
RUN ls /app/backend/docker

After sudo docker-compose build it gave the output as

The file is present in the path as seen in the screenshot

I have tried by placing the RUN chmod +x command as shown
It gave the error as no such file found.

Did you solve the issue? I'm exactly in the same situation as stated by ghousethanedar.

Not solved.. but found alternative change the image and yml file config