ppintosilva / maestro

Orchestrate groups of software-ready instances on the cloud

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Generate a new, clean cluster environment

ppintosilva opened this issue · comments

Generate a new cluster environment. The following files should be generated for the user:

  • orchestra.yml - With maybe two groups with one element each, plus commented examples.
  • instruments.yml - With commented examples and uncommented dummy role
  • role-requirements.yml - Ansible galaxy roles requirements - with commented examples and uncommented dummy role.
  • playbooks folder
  • playbooks/group folder
  • playbooks/group/roles folder
  • ansible.cfg - not sure about this
  • clouds.yml - or similar
  • .gitignore file - for ignoring files generated below with maestro gen.

All of these (except maybe for clouds.yml - use ansible vault?) may be versioned.

When maestro is executed the following files should be generated:

  • group_vars/GROUPNAME/ROLE_VARS
  • playbooks/genesis.yml - refactor concerto.yml
  • playbooks/provision-all.yml - refactor intermezzo.yml
  • playbooks/group/GROUP_PLAYBOOKS