powerman / dockerize

Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers

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feat: hotreload when template, configuration file is changed

lukasmrtvy opened this issue · comments

would be great to implement support for hotreload ( if it is explicitily allowed via ENV variable for example ) application when template, configuration file is changed

reference: https://github.com/weaveworks/Watch

also notifications support would be deal to this feature ( send webhook after hotreload )

reference https://github.com/containrrr/shoutrrr


Hotreload of what? dockerize is mostly used as a shortly running command, and even if it runs for a long time (like in "tail" mode) I don't see which sort of configs might change to affect how "tail" works.

It sounds like you want tool to reload your services if their configuration changes, but such tools are already available and you can run them by dockerize - what's the point in embedding functionality of these tools into dockerize?

maybe i misunderstand dockerize`s use case, its not supervisor like confd, right?

Not really. It's just a helper to run apps in a docker, solving usual issues related to containers, like:

  • needs to wait until required services (like MySQL) starts in another containers before running the app
  • needs to copy environment variable values into app's config before starting the app
  • needs to stream app's log file to stderr

I.e. dockerize takes the app which wasn't designed for use in containers and makes it easier to use it in containers. In 99% cases dockerize won't even continue to runs after starting the app.

okey, thanks, can You suggest a service that can handle hotreloads ? watch by weave, or watchman by facebook ?